The underground correspondent we keep on retainer, Guy Noir - Private Eye sent me the link below with this comment:
As someone who claims advertising as their [sic] profession, this strikes me more forcefully, perhaps, than others. Nonetheless I think it extremely telling, and would place it in the same file as material on father James Martin. Whatever is and has been going on in the Church since Vatican II, it is pretty apparent to anyone with a passing interest in theology that the message if not the doctrine is being fundamentally changed.Here's what Boniface says over at Unam Sanctam Catholicam:
In case you have not yet seen it, the above image is the official logo for the upcoming Year of Mercy. The art is the work of Slovenian Jesuit artist Fr. Marko Rupnik (click on the image for a bigger view if it is too small to see).The shared eye (only three eyes between them) is a bit weird; the two black vertical beams behind Jesus' feet, like the lower parts of a St. Andrew's Cross, are also a bit curious; and I never liked this sort of overly-stylized 1960s-80s thematic art of the sort seen in too many church bulletins and CCD materials. This is partially subjective, but I have bad associations (generally shoddy art seems to go with shoddy theology). Mercy is always nice; but what in the world do people think it means apart from a context of God's justice and judgment? Nobody's going to give a fig about mercy from a Care Bear. Just to make the point, here's George Carlin as Cardinal Glick unveiling a timely icon for the Church in 1999:
Notice that between Christ and the other figure, there are only three eyes, signifying apparently that "Christ sees through the eye of Adam and Adam sees through the eye of Christ." The motto of the Year of Mercy is "Merciful Like the Father", despite the fact that Pope Francis says the purpose of the year is to the demonstrate "the church's maternal solicitude."
Lest you have any doubt that this Year of Mercy will be used as a propaganda tool to push for greater acceptance of deviant lifestyles, Archbishop Reno Fisichella, spokesman for the Year of Mercy, stated that "The motto, 'Merciful Like the Father,' serves as an invitation to follow the merciful example of the Father who asks us not to judge or condemn but to forgive and to give love and forgiveness without measure.”
I offer no new commentary here, but refer you to our article "Children's Crusade and the Age of Mercy" from March 21st, 2015.
All quotes and information from this Catholic Register article.
H/T to Blog for Dallas Area Catholics
Dar Doc. "God' justice and judgment?" That's so heavy, man.
However, Jesus ain't heavy, He's my brother.
Why, just yesterday, Deacon Bob preached us a salvation-buddy sermon about how U.S. Grant was a drunkard who had a buddy, John Rawlings who was called to sober-up U.S. whenever he got too deep into the wine and Deacon Bob told us that Rawlings was The Holy Ghost for Grant; so there.
No, we did not sing, "Mine eyes have seen the Glory," but Deacon Bob said the preservation of the Union could not have been accomplished without the Trinity.
Doc, see what intellectual liberation is available to you in the Lil' Liclt Liturgy yet you continue to submit to brainwashing in The Assumption Grotto.
Thanks for the good laugh.
Happily brainwashed (and "homophobe") at Assumption Grotto,
-- PP
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