Friday, February 06, 2015

"Sistine and Porsche: a marriage of brands"

"A sense of the holy brings with it a sense of taboo. We tread cautiously in the tenting place of the ineffable. A Presence abides. We dare not profane.

"The Vatican’s recently announced Art for Charity initiative directed toward high profile corporations raises a question: Is the Sistine Chapel still the sacred space it was built to be? Or has it slackened into a world class exhibition hall, a Renaissance monument FOR RENT? ...

"Leave the last word to Louis Bouyer:
We see many Christians attempting to make an alliance between Christianity’s ways and those of the world; and we see Christians who are even tempted to believe that the salvation offered by this world is the true one, and that Christianity needs only to encourage it, to bless it with a cheerful acknowledgment of its worth."
From Maureen Mullarkey, "Sistine & Porsche: A Marriage of Brands" (First Things, February 3, 2015).

[Hat tip to JM]


Mick Jagger Gathers No Mosque said...

Cardinal Henri de Lubac, S.J.

It is clear that the Church is facing a grave crisis. Under the name of 'the new Church,' 'the post-conciliar Church,' a different Church from that of Jesus Christ is now trying to establish itself; an anthropocentric society threatened with immanentist apostasy which is allowing itself to be swept along in a movement of general abdication under the pretext of renewal, ecumenism, or adaptation.

Mick Jagger Gathers No Mosque said...

MMMMM the smell of fresh simony bums on a winter's morning..

Ralph Roister-Doister said...

Cut the crap, Henri. Lie down, wriggle around in the slop, make yourself at home. Look, all your friends are there.

Mick Jagger Gathers No Mosque said...

Comedy of Errors:

Scene two, The Mart



Upon my life, by some device or other
The villain is o'er-raught of all my money.
They say this town is full of cozenage,
As, nimble jugglers that deceive the eye,
Dark-working sorcerers that change the mind,
Soul-killing witches that deform the body,
Disguised cheaters, prating mountebanks,And many such-like liberties of sin:
If it prove so, I will be gone the sooner.
I'll to the Centaur, to go seek this slave:
I greatly fear my money is not safe.


Hey, maybe Shakespeare was a prophet who foreshadowed the men intent on a change in doctrine via the changing of discipline re Communion for adulterers.

Ralph Roister-Doister said...

"Making the chapel “visible” is the preferred term"

Want to know why Catholics get no respect? Why everyone laughs at them? Look at the actions of the hypocrites and buffoons they follow.

Gotta love that Mo!! Just sayin'!!

Ralph Roister-Doister said...

“Art, too, is charity and love.”

Now where would an idea like that come from?


12 times voted the theologian most likely to confuse the Sistine Chapel with the NYC Metropolitan Museum of Art!

Hey Mo, pass me a glob of that Underwood Deviled Ham on a sophisticated-looking cracker -- always look for the can with the twentieth century theologian on the wrapper.

Anonymous Bosch said...

"Cut the crap, Henri ... all your friends are there."

It's a wonder these Nouvelles can come up with the most pious sounding platitudes, and then throw a noodle at you to let you know they're serious.

"... cracker -- wrapper."

Hey, that even rhymes! One might even say it's . . . ART! (Watch yourself, Ralph)

Anonymous said...

Ironic how the apologetic of "The Evidential Power of Beauty" that sprung from the Vatican II Research Group was followed by the least beautiful Catholic art and architecture the world had yet seen. Equally ironic how Vatican II's people-friendly theology resulted in the least noteworthy output of Catholic literature the English-spoeaking world has seen. Post-Vatican II classics... We should make a list.