– Daniel Ibanez/CNA
- Joseph Shaw, "Catholic academics and pastors appeal to the College of Cardinals over Amoris Laetitia" (Rorate Caeli, July 11, 2016). More details ...
- Steve Skojec, "Theologians & Scholars Formally Request Correction of Amoris Laetitia" (1P5, July 11, 2016)
- Sébastien Maillard, "Des théologiens catholiques critiquent Amoris laetitia" (La Croix, July 12, 2016).
- "Opposition à l’exhortation apostolique « Amoris laetitia »: 45 universitaires et prêtres catholiques demandent aux cardinaux de corriger les « propositions erronées" (Fulmen, July 13, 2016).
- Dan Hitchens, "Theologians: Amoris Laetitia needs clarifications against 'heretical' interpretations" (Catholic Herald, July 18, 2016)
- Steve Skojec, "Details Emerge About the Theological Protest to Amoris Laetitia" (1P5, July 19, 2016)
- Joshua J. McElwee, "Signers of document critiquing 'Amoris Laetitia' revealed" (National Catholic Reporter, July 22, 2016)
- Joshua J. McElwee, "Signers of document critiquing 'Amoris Laetitia' revealed" (National Catholic Reporter, July 22, 2016)
- Dan Hitchens, "The theologians’ letter has clarified what is really at stake in the Amoris debate" (Catholic Herald, Comment & Blogs, July 25, 2016)
- Dan Hitchens, "Names of signatories to Amoris Laetitia letter revealed" (Catholic Herald, July 25, 2016)
- Steve Skojec, "Theological Censures Against Amoris Laetitia Revealed" (1P5, July 27, 2016)
- Simon de Cyrene, "45 Clowns contro Amoris Laetitia" (Croce-Via, July 29, 2016) - a comical an caricatured response.
- Mike Hickson, "Professor Josef Seifert Now Presents Detailed Critique of Amoris Laetitia - and Calls upon Pope Francis to Recscind Its Heretical Statements" (The Wanderer, August 8, 2016).
- La Favillana, "Sur la critique de 45 théologiens envers Amoris Laetitia?" (Le Petit Placide, August 18, 2016) - explores concept of theological 'censures'
- Fr. Curzio Nitoglia, "La questione del 'Papa eretico'" (Chiesa e post concilio, August 28, 2016) - unfounded inferences and misinterpretations of the censures, perhaps related in part to the fact that Fr. Nitoglia doesn't read English and didn't have available an Italian edition of the censures at time of his writing.
It is depressing to watch these factotums, whom trads venerate as heroes, scramble to oppose heresy by calling it poor wording, or bad translation, or "confusion." It is almost like watching bugs scrambling for life in a killing jar. Their "appeals" to Francis to repudiate, pretty please, the heretical heart of his gospel message are DOA, as dead as Ratzinger's to Kung. It is hard to believe that that they do not know this in their hearts, whatever mask they may choose to wear in public. Trads who venerate them for their good faith exercises in futility should know it too.
This is silly -- they don't even sign their names!
So the Anonymous Catholics are saying that there could be heretical interpretations of Amoris Laetitia (AL) but the Pope is not heresy.
When AL suggests that a person in manifest mortal sin is not necessarily in mortal sin, and does not contradict traditional teachings on mortal sin nor Pope John Paul II’s encyclical on moral theology , Veritatis Splendor, it is not a mortal sin.So Cardinal Schonborn and Cardinal Baldiserri and of course Pope Francis cannot be in mortal sin.
To assume that we can objectively know the subjective state of someone in manifest mortal sin who is not allegedly in mortal sin, is subjectivism, philophical subjectivism,
The Non-anonymous members of the Anonymous Signatories ( Fr.Brian Harrison, John Lamont and Joseph Shaw) use philosophical subjectivism in the interpretation of salvation theology just as AL does with moral theology.
According to their new theology, there are known cases of the baptism of desire etc in 2016 for these hypothetical cases to be explicit exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according, to the 16th century missionaries and Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston.So there are exceptions to all needing to formally enter the Church for them. They all accept the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which says there are exceptions.
This is not heretical for them. So when Pope Francis and the Masons suggest that there are exceptions to manifest mortal sin and that a mortal sin it not always a mortal sin, the pope and his bad cardinals are not in heresy.
-Lionel Andrades
Video interview with Gloria TV http://www.lmschairman.org/2016/07/video-intereview-with-gloria-tv.html
Why do we need the Old Latin Mass?
We need the Old Latin Mass since it represents to us the theology and spirituality of the early ages of the Church.It comes to us from the eight century and before the eight century the Age of the Fathers and they have something to say to the Church of all ages.The spirituality of the Mass is the spirituality of the Church right up to the middle of the 20th century.That's something which is part of the Deposit of the Faith.-Joseph Shaw
This is not true. Joseph Shaw assumes hypothetical cases , without the baptism of water are known exceptions in 2016 to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the old ecclesiology.This is irrational,non traditional and heretical. It is part of the ecclesiology of the Novus Ordo and Traditional Latin Mass today.
So the spirituality of the Old Mass has changed.It is not the same as during the time of the Church Fathers or even the 16th century missionaries who only had the Latin Mass.
If the philosophical innovation of being able to judge hypothetical cases as being visible was not there,we are back to the old ecclesiology of the eight century. Theology will not have changed.
Pope Francis is permitting the Latin Mass today only because it is not part of the Deposit of the Faith, theologically. So it becomes a break with old spirituality.
Joseph Shaw, John Lamont and Fr. Harrison object to the subjectivism of Amoris Laetitia but not to the subjectivism in a new theology, which contradicts the Principle of Non Contradiction.This is the staple ecclesiology of the Traditional Latin Mass.So many times I have written about this but Joseph Shaw will not comment. He, like Fr. Harrison and John Lamont would prefer to remain Anonymous on this issue.
Joseph Shaw and the Latin Mass Society need the approval of the English bishops and the Vatican. They are also politically correct with the Left on this issue.
The Benedictine Prior at Norcia also remains politically correct on this issue and so avoids commenting on what I keep writing. He could be one of the Anonymous signatories critical of Amoris Laetitia.
The new director of the Human Life International, Rome, Fr. Francesco Giordano could also be among the 'Anonymous Group'.He interprets the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, as having 'developments', when he teaches this subject at the Pontifical University of St.Thomas Aquinas, Rome.He offers the Traditional Latin Mass and teaches the new theology, as he did, at the old Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate seminary in Boccea, Rome.Like Fr. Brian Harrison he remains non controversial and Anonymous on this issue.
Lionel Andrades
I haven't read everything in the request to His Holiness, so my response is based on what little I do know on the topic.
To declare that the Pope has fallen into heresy is to declare beyond the authority of the layman. Any layman can, however, say "I can't square what the Holy Father says with what the Church has always taught." The first is different from the second because the one is the passing of a judgment on a superior, while the other is the acknowledgment that... despite appearances... the speaker holds that it may be possible, and is willing still to listen to the Holy Father.
Chris Garton-Zavesky
If the 45 signatories based on objective reality and traditional Catholic moral teachings can says that Amoris Laetitia is heretical then logically they can also say that the popes and cardinals who have approved it have approved heresy.
Any one who supports or affirms heresy, knowingly, even after being informed of the error, is a heretic.
God' laws apply to all. Even a pope needs to go for Confession.
-Lionel Andrades
So there is law at the Vatican.They are enforcing heresy and are supported by 'the faithful'
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