This protest has been going on for a long time–since 1973.
There have certainly been benefits from this annual declaration and
protest in favor of life in many ways, encouraging the life-effort
and invoking divine help to combat the horrendous crimes that have been
legalized. Will this tremendous effort ever finally succeed in ending
the massive destruction of elective abortion? The non-violent
means, the convincing arguments, the stirring speeches, the fervent
prayers–surely these must be to good effect. Yet one wonders whether
success will ever attend this laudable work. It seems more probable that
our country, at least in the short term, will continue to decline into
turpitude, bent as it is now on the acceptance of homosexual practices,
with euthanasia already being practiced legally in some places (and
often by insidious and surreptitious “health-care”
institutions), with fetal experimentation and manipulation of embryos
being already practiced. Once the homosexual goal will have been fully
achieved, the next stage of declination may be the legal use of children
for the sexual pleasures of adults. Yet this cannot yet be the end. The
final stages of debauchery will be the allowance of public nudity
and–for a grand finale–cannibalism. There can be no stopping, it would
seem, the relentless demand to be allowed to do whatever one may wish to
do. Freedom has thus been so regarded. Some may find this trajectory of
evils excessive, hyperbolic. Yet who of my generation would have thought
it possible that the Land of the Free would ever be in such a deplorable
state of immoral servitude as it now is? Over time we have tended to
grow accustomed to iniquity, have made friends with perversity, while
becoming tolerant of evil and evermore impatient with the imposition of
moral strictures from any source–the Church included.
My estimate–not wanting to be disheartening–is that we will
not soon be getting better, but continue to slide down the way of
debauchery. We simply do not have the muscle to halt this moral
regression. By this I mean that our faith is too weak, our confidence in
the efficacy of prayer, our trust in God diluted. Part of the reason for
this may be that too many “good” people are themselves complicit in some
of the great evils du jour through a soft acceptance of
immorality in our music, TV, internet, films, etc. Another part of the
reason is the decline in practicing what our Catholic faith demands in
prayer, Mass attendance, Confession and self-imposed
penance. And so, while the National Day of prayer and (polite) protest
is ever uplifting, I find it hard to believe that there will be success
in overturning the allowance of abortion. If we believe that some
politicians will do this for us we need only reflect on the fact that
they too as individuals may be plagued by the same moral weaknesses as
others. This is an admission, often not willingly made today, that the
sins of one adversely affect the welfare of all. We are all worse
off because of abortionists, pedophiles, pornographers, lewd
entertainers, no-fault divorcers, etc. Sin is never a private affair, no matter how secretly it may be done.
I admit having a defeatist attitude at times. Why not just
let the whole western world go to hell? (I speak here of literal, not
rhetorical, hell). The answer has to do with our responsibility. No one
can, before God, allow evil to triumph. There must be resistance.
Moreover there are some things that can actually be done to save at
least some people from moral death. The most important of these is to
become saints ourselves–one by one–people who refuse to be mastered by
their own tendencies to sin and who make up to God, by prayer and
sacrifice, for the sins that are committed.
Pagan society was once converted to faith and to goodness by the Catholic faith. There is no reason why it can’t be done again, except for the fact that many in the Church are too weak, and the conviction of their faith has been compromised.
God bless the efforts of those who go annually to
Washington to pray and give witness to the truth about human life’s
intrinsic goodness. (To quibble: I don’t think the expression “sanctity
of life” is accurate, though it’s compelling). Unless each
individual person makes up his mind and changes his heart to conform
according God’s moral laws, our country will never awaken from the moral
nightmare of abortion-on-demand
and so many other attending evils.
For this reason we at the Grotto, doing our small part,
continue to pray the holy rosary after every Mass. I hope you continue
to do this together, recognizing the power of fervent, communal prayer
with Holy Mary for the saving of many souls from eternal destruction.
Fr. Perrone
Thank you Fr Parrone. I hope and pray that we will have more priests like you and that they will once again preach like Jesus.
Yes indeed, he's consistently good, and a gift from God.
Maybe you had better not publicize this guy... He is too good and I'd hate to see him silenced!
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