Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A sample daily dispatch from Guy Noir

Private Eye ...  FYI: "Three good links" ~

Rod Dreher remains pretty good. He most not realize that Arturo Vasquez ended up jading himself into disbelief after becoming ever more critical. I too was a fan of his early and middle stuff. Shades of Greg Kriehbel.
Meanwhile, I am a moderate by John Allen's definition! Some nice things about Francis. Carl Olson over at CWR relatedly wonders aloud why CRUX employs a spirituality columnist who disputes Catholic teaching. No, he really does. Really. I have suggestion for him: why doesn't he go cry on Fr. James Martin's shoulder. Or Fr. Barons?  The fake posturing in American clerical Catholicism ... I choke on it. At least Hans Kung has the balls to be unapologetically heretical out loud and without hedging. 
I loved this, even if after re-reading I still think the last sentence is missing a word somewhere.


Not That Guy said...

"Carl Olson over at CWR relatedly wonders aloud why CRUX employs a spirituality columnist who disputes Catholic teaching. No, he really does. Really. I have suggestion for him: why doesn't he go cry on Fr. James Martin's shoulder. Or Fr. Barons? The fake posturing in American clerical Catholicism ... I choke on it. At least Hans Kung has the balls to be unapologetically heretical out loud and without hedging."

Brilliant! What a slippery one that Fr. Martin is!

Anonymous said...

What happened to Vasquez?

Carl E. Olson said...

I'm late to this party, but I'm a bit confused about your comment re: my slapdown of the CRUX "spirituality columnist". I know quite well what sort of game CRUX is up too (basically a more sophisticated form of the National "Catholic" Register). Why would I need to "go cry on the shoulder" of Fr. James Martin, who I have been very, very critical of over the years? That said, Fr. Robert Barron is not in the same camp as Martin; that's a sloppy, cheap shot.

Pertinacious Papist said...

Mr. Olson,

I'll see if I can rouse the author of that remark (Mr. Noir) to offer a response.

Anonymous said...


You are correct and your focus is sharp. A cheap shot is a cheap shot.

CRUX scribes Allen, Gibson, and Eagan seem to provoke me to a point where I can actually suffer double vision. In my frustration, my lament went afoul there.

I apologize, since I remain a fan of your efforts. In my calmer estimation, Fr. Barron (like his muse von Balthasar) may be overly enamored of a Hope-for Universalism, but he (Hans too) remains on the side of the angels, and as such deserves respect.

G.N., P.E.

Pertinacious Papist said...

In my calmer estimation, Fr. Barron (like his muse von Balthasar) may be overly enamored of a Hope-for Universalism, but he (Hans too) remains on the side of the angels, and as such deserves respect.

Well, let's not get carried away, Mr. Noir -- "... on the side of the angels"? "... deserves respect"? Well, maybe as long as they're not playing the "hell is empty" game and other goofy nonsense.

I have to admit, I'm still puzzled by the fact that Fr. Fessio chose to promote H.v.B.'s works. There is some serious weirdness in some parts of his works, and I'm not just talking about the Adrienne von Speyr connections, which takes the cake.