"I will go in unto the Altar of God
To God, Who giveth joy to my youth"
Tridentine Community News (February 2, 2014):

(Rev.) Frater John Tonkins Ordained to the Diaconate
On Friday, January 17, Frater John Tonkins [left in above photo] of the Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem was ordained to the diaconate according to the Traditional Rite by Bishop Edward Slattery of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Brother John was one of the original members of the Windsor Tridentine Mass Community and has been a regular visitor to St. Josaphat and Assumption Churches during his trips home. He passed on the following note:Dear Families of the Windsor Tridentine Latin Mass Community, Thank you so much for your prayers for Rev. frater Alban and myself on the occasion of our Diaconate ordinations. Please pray that we serve our Lord and His Church as holy Deacons. Know that you are all in my heart and prayers all the time. I look forward to seeing all of you this summer, and hopefully serving as a Deacon at the Latin mass. If you have any prayer intentions, please send them to me either by mail or email.Pópulus Summórum Pontíficum
In our Blessed Mother
God Bless+
Rev. frater John Berchmans CRNJ
219 South George Street
Charles Town, WV 25414
The third annual Summórum Pontíficum pilgrimage to Rome will be held October 23-26, 2014. Each year, pilgrims attend a Solemn Tridentine Mass celebrated in one of the Roman Basilicas, in thanksgiving for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s Motu Proprio of the same name. Originally organized by members of Una Voce from Ireland, the pilgrimage now has a chaplain, Fr. Claude Barthe, a well-known advocate of the Extraordinary Form who speaks at numerous conferences.
The hosting organization has begun a Facebook presence under the name Pópulus Summórum Pontíficum. Their Facebook posts consist primarily of pictures of Tridentine Masses held around the world in various photogenic churches. Fans of traditional architecture will find inspiring eye candy here.
Fr. Z to Speak at Detroit Institute of Arts
On Saturday, February 15, liturgical blogger Fr. John Zuhlsdorf will speak at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Bus transportation is available from a number of suburban Detroit locations. Details and registration information are available at: www.calltoholiness.com.
San Francisco News Item #1: Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone Founds the Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music & Divine Worship
San Francisco Archbishop Cordileone has appointed renowned Gregorian Chant expert Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB to head the newly founded Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Divine Worship. The organization will offer certification in classic liturgical arts, to equip musicians and liturgical ministers in “reclaim[ing] a sense of the sacred.”
San Francisco News Item #2: New Religious Order to Train Priests on Celebrating Holy Mass with Solemnity
Archbishop Cordileone has asked a recently founded religious order in his Archdiocese, the Contemplatives of St. Joseph, to teach other priests to celebrate both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms of Holy Mass with solemnity and Gregorian Chant. The two founding priests of the COSJ have been studying chant under Church Music Association of America leader and Stanford professor Dr. William Mahrt. Their fledgling order has already received nine vocational inquiries, with three men passing into initial discernment.
San Francisco News Item #3: Archbishop Initiates New TLM Site in Central City
To make the Tridentine Mass more available in the core downtown area, Archbishop Cordileone asked the pastor of historic Star of the Sea Parish to start a weekly Sunday morning [11:00 AM] Tridentine High Mass. His Excellency attended one of the first Masses in choir to demonstrate his support.
Tridentine Masses This Coming Week
- Mon. 02/03 7:00 PM: Low Mass at St. Joseph (St. Blase, Bishop & Martyr)
- Tue. 02/04 7:00 PM: Low Mass at St. Benedict/Assumption-Windsor (St. Andrew Corsini, Bishop & Confessor)
- Fri. 02/07 7:00 PM: Low Mass at St. Joseph (Sacred Heart of Jesus) [First Friday]

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