- "In the very year that Henry VIII's obedient Parliament named him head of the English church, Pope Paul III went through the streets of Rome in sackcloth and ashes for the sins of his predecessors -- but not for their errors in doctrine." Sheldon Vanauken, "The English Channel: Between Canterbury and Rome," in Under the Mercy
(Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1985; rpt. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1988), p. 226. [back]
- Fr. John Zuhlsdorff, "SSPX's Bp. Fellay criticizes Benedict XVI about Assisi meeting" (WDTPRS, January 12, 2011)
- Fr. John Zuhlsdorff, "The Catholic Herald's William Oddie about the critics of Benedict XVI's Assisi confab" (WDTPRS, January 15, 2011).
- "Revisiting Assisi" (Musings, Sept. 11, 2006) [includes the article by Fr. Brian W. Harrison, O.S., "John Paul II and Assisi: Reflections of a 'Devil's Advocate'"]
You don't have concerns, Philip. You have bleats. That way, you can be respectable.
UNLESS the Pope has some tricks up his sleeve, this event will not only turn to be utterly humiliating given he has gone out of his way to promote the Motu Proprio, it will drive away any potential reconciliation with the Eastern Orthodox and SPPX.
Telling and encouraging someone to pray to a false god is a sin by definition; it's encouraging idolatry. Worse yet, it makes Our Lord Jesus one more "god" among the rest, no better, no worse.
I am not holding out high hopes...but something in me says B16 wont just let idolaters trample upon the very Sanctuary he's been breaking his back to clean up.
There's a big difference between "telling someone to pray" to a false God and permitting them a quiet place where they can pray.
When the Emir of Damascus visited the Templars, they provided him with a place where he could pray as they consulted over foreign policy.
It was simply a matter of courtesy.
I think the Holy Father is going to do something astonishing. At least, one of his friends has said so.
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