"I will go in unto the Altar of God
To God, Who giveth joy to my youth"
Tridentine Community News by Alex Begin (May 29, 2016):

May 29, 2016 – External Solemnity of Corpus Christi
Confirmations in Jackson with Bishop Boyea
Talk about a team player: When the Jackson, Michigan Latin Mass Community could not find a celebrant for June 5, Diocese of Lansing Bishop Boyea offered to take the Mass that day, on only two weeks’ notice... remarkable for a busy bishop. Note also that this marks His Excellency’s third Pontifical Mass in the Extraordinary Form in under two months.
Jackson Tridentine Mass organizer Bill Price also took the opportunity to ask the bishop to provide another Sacrament for his community during his visit. And so what was once rarer than a four leaf clover has become increasingly commonplace: Confirmations in the Extraordinary Form.
Bishop Boyea will celebrate Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form and Confirmations next Sunday, June 5 at 12:15 PM at St. Mary Star of the Sea Church in Jackson. Altar servers from Windsor’s St. Benedict Tridentine Community have been invited to assist.
Dave Wagner to Play at Old St. Mary’s Tridentine Mass
For decades Dr. Dave Wagner has been a familiar voice on local airwaves. Dave has served as program director and host at classical music radio stations, first at WQRS-FM and now at 90.9 FM WRCJ. Through the miracles of technology, Dave also served as program director and host at Los Angeles’ classical KMZT-FM until that station changed formats in 2007. Less well-known is the fact that Dave has also taught organ at Madonna University and has served as organist at a number of local Catholic parishes.
This Friday, June 3, Dave will join Wassim Sarweh and the choir of Windsor’s St. Benedict Tridentine Community to play the organ prelude and postlude for the 7:00 PM First Friday Tridentine Mass at Old St. Mary’s Church. Before Mass, at around 6:45 PM, he will play the Prelude in E Flat Major from Part III of the Clavierübung by Bach, BWV 532. The postlude will be the Fugue from the end of the Clavierübung, known as the St. Anne Fugue.
The choir will sing the Missa in Honórem Sancti Joséphi by Flor Peeters, a particularly jubilant Mass setting.
Mass of Ages Magazine Now Available On-Line
The second of the two leading magazines about the Traditional Latin Mass has become available on-line at no charge. The Latin Mass Society of England and Wales’ quarterly Mass of Ages magazine can now be read on-line at: https://issuu.com/latinmasssociety or on the associated Android or iOS Issuu apps.
Mass of Ages joins Regina Magazine in offering some of the most inspiring content about the Traditional Latin Mass and the world of Sacred Tradition that surrounds it. Regina Magazine is also available at no charge on Issuu’s apps or on-line at: https://issuu.com/champion13
52 Signs of the Cross in the EF; 9 in the OF
Does it seem to you as though there are far more Signs of the Cross made by the priest in the Extraordinary Form versus the Ordinary Form? Let’s count them:
Extraordinary Form High Mass: 1) Opening; 2) Adjutórium; 3) Indulgéntiam; 4) Blessing of incense at the altar; 5) Beginning of Introit; 6) End of Glória; 7) Blessing of incense before the Gospel; 8,9,10) Beginning of Gospel; 11) End of Credo; 12) With paten at end of Súscipe, Sancte Pater; 13) Deus, qui humánæ; 14) With chalice at end of Offérimus, 15) Veni, Sanctificátor; 16) Blessing of incense at Offertory; 17) Benedíctus in Sanctus; 18,19,20) Hæc dona, hæc múnera, hæc sancta sacrifícia; 21,22,23) Benedíctam, adscríptam, ratam; 24,25) Ut nobis Corpus, et Sanguis; 26) Benedíxit, fregit; 27) Benedíxit, dedítque discípulis suis; 28,29,30,31) Hóstiam puram, hóstiam sanctam, hóstiam immaculátem, Panem sanctum vitæ ætérnæ, et Cálicem salútis perpétuæ; 32,33) Corpus et Sánguinem sumpsérimus; 34) Omni benedictióne; 35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42) Minor elevation; 43,44,45) Pax Dómini; 46) With the Host before priest’s Communion; 47) With the chalice before priest’s Communion; 48) Once for each person receiving Holy Communion; 49) Final blessing; 50,51,52) Beginning of Last Gospel
Ordinary Form with Eucharistic Prayer other than I: 1) Blessing of incense before Mass; 2) Opening; 3) Blessing of incense before the Gospel; 4,5,6) Beginning of Gospel; 7) Blessing of incense at Offertory; 8) So that they may become for us the Body and Blood; 9) Final blessing These symbols take but a tiny amount of time to perform, but what do they say about our Catholic faith?
Tridentine Masses This Coming Week
- Mon. 05/30 7:00 PM: Low Mass at St. Josaphat (St. Felix I, Pope & Martyr)
- Tue. 05/31 7:00 PM: High Mass at Holy Name of Mary (Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
- Fri. 06/03 7:00 PM: High Mass at Old St. Mary’s, Detroit (Sacred Heart of Jesus)
- Celebrant: Fr. Joe Tuskiewicz
- Reception after Mass in the Parish Hall- Fri. 06/03 7:00 PM: High Mass at St. Josaphat (Sacred Heart of Jesus)
- Sat. 06/04 8:30 AM: Low Mass at Miles Christi (St. Francis Caracciolo, Confessor)
- Sun. 06/05: No Mass at OCLMA/Academy of the Sacred Heart

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