Only the utterly oblivious Catholic would not realize that something is devastatingly amiss in the Church in our present day. Those having a true insight into the depth and magnitude of the current aberrations are left with no reasonable alternative than to recognize that a diabolic presence has been allowed to enter into the Church. It has been publicly testified to by Pope Paul VI as the "smoke of Satan." Nonetheless, Christ Himself promised: "I will not leave you orphans, I will come to you" (Jn. 14:18). The gravity of our day is illuminated by the fact that Christ has sent no less than His own Mother to provide us guidance.
In the rural Portuguese village of Fatima in 1917, our Holy Mother Mary appeared to three unschooled children (ages 7, 9, and 10) over a period of six months, and related to them monumental events that are still playing out in our day, precisely as they were foretold 89 years ago.
These accurately prophesied events include: The "miracle of the sun" witnessed by over 70,000 persons (including non-believers hoping to dispel the apparitions), whereby the sun itself was dislodged from its setting and performed miraculous maneuvers while emitting astonishing light displays; the end of World War I; the name of the pope who would be reigning at the beginning of World War II; the extraordinary heavenly phenomenon that would be witnessed worldwide foretelling of the beginning of World War II; the ascendance of Russia (a weak and insignificant nation in 1917) to an evil monolithic power that would afflict the world with suffering and death; the arrival of "apostasy" in the Church by her own hierarchy, a work in process in our present day.
Most readers ought to be aware of the messages conveyed by Holy Mary at Fatima -- e.g., the need for conversion and repentance, the need for the faithful to fortify themselves against the diabolic via the Holy Rosary, the requirement that the Holy Father consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the very dire consequences should these commands be ignored or circumscribed, etc.
The "Third Secret" revealed to the Fatima seers speaks of the apostatizing of the hierarchy of the Church, which would unleash deadly consequences on the unsuspecting faithful. It is this particular phenomenon -- the dissolution of the Church hierarchy warned of by Holy Mary -- that I want to address here. In speaking of this occurrence, Sr. Lucia (10-year-old seer Lucia dos Santos) of Fatima repeatedly referenced the coming about of an intellectual atmosphere consisting of a "diabolic disorientation" permeating the works and acts of the Church's leadership.
It would be prudent at this point to briefly revisit one of the Apostle Paul's warnings on the End Times, "For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine, but, according to their own desires, they will heap up to themselves teachers having itching ears and will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth…" (2 Tim. 4:3-4).
By the fact that the Apostle addresses "sound doctrine" and "teachers," we know he is speaking of the Catholic Church. There are many eschatological (Last Things) writings, scriptural and otherwise, foretelling the deadly demise of the Church's hierarchy in the End Days. (As Christ says, "But yet the son of man, when he cometh, shall he find…faith on the earth?" -- Lk. 18:8.) What has been left to conjecture and puzzlement is just how such a terrible occurrence might be brought about on such a grand scale. Certainly the Church has had her misfortunes with highly placed heretics, but what means or ideology would be so pervasive as to deceive the Church elite as warned of by St. Paul? To be effective, it would have to be subtle, and at the same time catastrophic.
The Door Begins to Open
A picture is coming forth that is overwhelming -- indeed, even astounding -- in that we have been painfully confronted by this insidious infiltration while remaining essentially oblivious to its magnitude and satanic genesis, even as it has been running its vile course right before our eyes. Our Holy Mother, delivering her messages through the medium of Sr. Lucia, has revealed to the world the method being allowed by God to be employed by Satan in his devastation of the Church's hierarchy. Moreover, this is being permitted as the consequence of many refusing to "endure sound doctrine." And just what is this method? It consists of no less than the two words, expressed repeatedly by Sr. Lucia, when she warned of the coming days of "diabolic disorientation."
Even more remarkable, Holy Mary points to the time and place that this abomination will surface openly to begin its ruinous work. I will give the details on this later. But first we must give closer scrutiny to the terms "diabolic" and "disorientation." "Diabolic," of course, directs one to Satan as the causal agent; but too often ignored is that this evil agent possesses preternatural intelligence and powers. "Disorientation" alludes to undesirable anomalies, such as losing one's bearings, being confused or mixed-up, but more particularly the loss of one's sense of direction or perspective. One would not normally think of mass disorientation as an effective strategy due to the logistics involved in bringing it about. A biblical example of such a method would be God's dispersing of the people as punishment by assigning them differing tongues (the Tower of Babel). Likewise, if one were to disrupt or jumble communication among the masses, one would initiate disorder, which, if not corrected, would degenerate into chaos. "For if a trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?" (1 Cor. 14:8).
What Are We Really Confronting With This Revelation?
That the diabolic is being allowed to attack the Church's "sound doctrine" from within (as punishment) is not a mere inconvenience; its consequences foreshadow cataclysmic results, even that of bringing the Church to her knees. How will this come about? The Church's sacred doctrine can only be corrupted by her highest leadership, meaning that the Church's leaders are the logical target of Satan's malice, and pride will be the door by which he enters into them. And those with "itching ears" will have the "diabolic" partnering with them. We will thus witness disoriented shepherds leading their sheep on a trek to the abyss.
How does a shepherd spare himself from this disaster when all his peers and superiors become subject to the same testing? When the die is cast in such a manner, the shepherd is on his own and his only secure and rewarding course will be unflinching observance of the constant teachings of the Church. Change or novelty must invoke immediate suspicion and examination.
When God the Father, through His Fatima messenger the Blessed Mother, informed the Church of the coming time of "diabolic disorientation," He was obviously speaking of an event that was to come about -- an event that specifically designates a rupture from the normal, natural cognitive orientations existing within the Church. Moreover, Holy Mary foretold the specific time of this rupturing years before its coming about so that there would be no doubt as to the authenticity of its divine revealing.
The Time of Rupturing
The foretelling of the apostatizing of the Church's hierarchy was contained in the "Third Secret" entrusted to Sr. Lucia by the Holy Mother. The first Two Secrets were released to the public by her bishop in 1941. The Third Secret of Fatima was submitted to the Bishop of Leiria in 1944. Our Lady asked that the Third Secret be made known to the faithful at the latest by 1960. It was presented to the Holy See in 1957. The Virgin had asked that the Third Secret be made public in 1960 because, as Sr. Lucia told Cardinal Ottaviani, "in 1960, the Message will appear more clear." As is now well known, Pope John XXIII had read and refused to make public the Third Secret in 1960. Rather, the Third Secret was released publicly in June 2000, and Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger admitted that what was released was an "interpretation" that contained none of the specific words or statements given by Holy Mary to Sr. Lucia. What was released was not what the Blessed Virgin said in Her own words. Mother Angelica of the Eternal Word Television Network said on May 16, 2001: "As for the [Third] Secret [of Fatima], well I happen to be one of those individuals who thinks we didn't get the whole thing."
What occurred in or around 1960 that would have made "more clear" the message that was contained in the Third Secret? The Third Secret addressed the state of the Church, or at least that of her hierarchy, so what was it in this timeframe that would have been noticeably significant to the Church?
Lo and behold! Angelo Cardinal Roncalli was elected Pope in October 1958 and took the name of John XXIII. A mere three months later, in January 1959, Pope John XXIII unexpectedly announced his intention of summoning a Second Ecumenical Council of the Church (Vatican II). In June 1960 Pope John XXIII established 10 commissions to formulate the subjects and protocols that would be taken up at the Council. The Council itself was to begin in the autumn of 1962.
There must be some correlation between the warnings of the Third Secret and the event of Vatican II itself; there must be some component of Vatican II (from here on "Council") that is going to trigger -- one way or another -- the "diabolic disorientation" warned of in the Third Secret.
As it was, John's calling for the Council was an irregularity to begin with. Normally, a General Council would only be called to address serious subjects such as heresies, teachings, or disciplines that needed to be settled at a dogmatic level. Cardinal Ratzinger said about Vatican II that it "defined no dogma at all, and deliberately chose to remain on a modest level, as a merely pastoral council…" (Address to Chilean Bishops, July 13, 1988).
Cardinal Manning of Westminster, England, at the time of the First Vatican Council, said, "to convoke a General Council, except when absolutely demanded by necessity, is to tempt God." He also said, "Each Council was convened to extinguish the chief heresy, or to correct the chief evil of the time."
It is reported that when Pope John XXIII was asked why the Council was needed, he proclaimed: "I want to throw open the windows of the Church so that we can see out and the people can see in." Being open to the world is not without its virtue, provided it does not progress to accommodation to the world, which sets the Church in conflict with her Head, Jesus Christ.
John XXIII was a liberal in his philosophy and even contemptuous of those whom he considered pessimistic about the moral state of the world. Indeed, in his opening speech to the Council, he affirmed: "Often errors vanish as quickly as they arise, like fog before the sun. The Church has always opposed these errors. Frequently she has condemned them with the greatest severity. Nowadays however, the Spouse of Christ prefers to make use of the medicine of mercy rather than that of severity. She considers that she meets the needs of the present day by demonstrating the validity of her teaching rather than by condemnations" (italics added). What remains unsaid by this statement is the fact that John is disregarding the urgent teachings and lamentations of his immediate predecessors -- i.e., Pius XII, Pius XI, Benedict XV, St. Pius X, Leo XIII, and Pius IX -- popes of towering intellect, holiness, and esteem. John put this counsel aside, allowing accommodation to the world, a course of action which proved to be ruinous.
Right from its first writings, Vatican II demonstrated a flaw that dramatically set it apart from all past General Councils. The writing and documents produced by every council prior to Vatican II employed exact diction and syntax directed to conclusive ends, so that there was no mistaking the message conveyed. Vatican II, on the other hand, has become notorious for its considerable production of documents, both conciliar and post-conciliar, fraught with murky terms, ambiguous statements, and circular, non-conclusive logic.
Clearing Our Heads
Right now it is imperative that we clear our heads of the disoriented clutter that has been embedded during the past months, years, and decades. We know and cannot deny that the Church is in a time of terrible testing, if not chastisement. Let us return to the topic of the insufferable phenomenon of "diabolic disorientation." It is first an affliction of the Church hierarchy, which then trickles down throughout the Church. Mario Cardinal Ciappi was the personal papal theologian for five popes, up to and including Pope John Paul II. He was privileged to personally read the Third Secret. In a personal communication to a Prof. Baumgartner in Salzburg, Cardinal Ciappi revealed that: "In the Third Secret it is foretold, among other things, that the great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top."
I would caution that the deadly crisis in the Church is not without our own personal culpability in the embracing of forbidden liberties and their appended decadence. God's allowance of bad shepherds is a punishment directly related to the disobedience of those claiming to be His followers. Having said that, however, evil must be confronted and exposed resolutely, where and with whomever it resides. The diabolic does not abide by the Queensbury Rules, or any niceties for that matter.
As regards ecclesial scandal, the predominant spectacle before our eyes today is the considerable sodomite presence among the ordained, both priests and bishops, and the havoc they have unleashed that is unprecedented in the history of the Church. The span of this devastation is traumatizing: at least ten thousand innocent children raped, their innocence defiled, and their lives made a shambles; the criminal churchmen covered for by the hierarchy; the hierarchy disbursing vast sums not their own, implying restitution, which in truth is a sham to smokescreen their own incompetence if not actual culpability; the collective scandal of the hierarchy by their very vocal pastoral concerns for their criminal clergy accompanied by disgraceful silence regarding the victims who were assaulted and left to the dumpsters of life, a total reversing of proper moral priorities; a devastation of the resources of whole dioceses, some forced to petition the government for bankruptcy protection, the closing of parishes and schools, etc. A horror story of the first magnitude!
All of the above is the fetid fruit of the sodomite presence in the American Church and every bit of it could have been prevented had a good number of bishops not taken it upon themselves to disobey the Church's official instruction by opening -- even soliciting -- sodomites to the priesthood. The responsibility first lies with these bishops, not the priestly perpetrators. This is a diabolic disorientation in spades! A homosexual orientation is actually a diabolic disorientation.
Diabolic Disorientation at Work
The recent "Instruction" from the Vatican addressing the subject of homosexuals in seminaries set a new standard for studied ambiguity. It is murky through and through, giving question as to whether the intent of the "Instruction" is to dialogue on options rather than render a conclusive decision based upon the constant teachings of the Church. It turns out that the document consists essentially of circular ruminations.
An Editorial in the NOR (Feb. 2006) correctly observes that "The document was obviously written by a committee -- or many committees…." The maxim, "A camel is a horse formed by a committee," comes immediately to mind when describing this document. The Editorial efficiently unravels the document's corkscrew logic and elasticized explanations, which in the end assures us that absolutely no corrections will be made and "the priesthood will continue to become a ‘gay' profession." This, of course, assures the continuation of the "intrinsically disordered" travesties and debaucheries.
So how does such studied ambiguity coming from the Vatican play out with the bishops? Inasmuch as it gives inconsistent direction, it propagates disorientation. The path of least resistance for a bishop in such a milieu is to do nothing at all, and that is precisely what is showing forth in the public commentary released by many of the bishops in the U.S. today.
What is even more abominable, the document undermines those bishops whose beliefs and efforts may be inclined to upholding the true teaching of the Church, which unquestionably forbids the acceptance and ordination of homosexuals. It is the deadly fruit of the disorientation spawned among the episcopate.
And so every warning consisting of lethal consequences issued by Holy Mary at Fatima continues to fall into place precisely as foretold. The Immaculate Virgin informed all who "had ears to hear and eyes to see" that the final stages of the apostasy in the Church will be irrevocably identified by the inflicting of a "diabolic disorientation" permeating throughout the hierarchy of the Church, to "begin at the top."

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1 comment:
I am reminded of Dominus Iesus and the missing Filioque. The Filioque, which affirms The Holy Spirit as proceeding from The Father and The Son, in essence, The Love Between The Father and The Son, affirms that there is only One Word of God, The Truth of Love, and thus only One Spirit of Love, while denying the Arian heresy which continues to be recycled. How do you have an apostasy that will deceive even the elect? By doing away with the charitable anathema and allowing those who are not with Christ spiritually, to remain in His Church physically, causing mass chaos and confusion.
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