"I will go in unto the Altar of God
To God, Who giveth joy to my youth"
Tridentine Community News by Alex Begin (December 29, 2019):

December 29, 2019 – Sunday in the Octave of Christmas
2019 Year in Review
As is our annual custom, we present a list of some of the most significant local Latin Mass developments from the past year:
More Churches Offer Special Occasion Tridentine Masses: The Orchard Lake Seminary Chapel, the Solanus Center Friars’ Chapel, St. Mary of Redford, St. Mary in Royal Oak, and Our Lady of the Rosary in Detroit opened their doors for the first time this year for special celebrations of the Traditional Mass.
More Frequent Pontifical Masses: 2019 saw three significant Pontifical Masses: Raymond Cardinal Burke celebrated a Pontifical Solemn Mass at Assumption Grotto; Bishop Earl Boyea celebrated his first Pontifical Solemn Mass at St. John Vianney in Flint; and Bishop Donald Hanchon celebrated a Pontifical Low Mass and conferred Confirmation in the Extraordinary Form for the OCLMA at Old St. Mary’s.
Opening of First Local Classical School: The conversion of John Paul II School in Lincoln Park to a classical format marked the debut of a Latin and classics-centric curriculum in our region. The Archdiocese of Detroit is willing to open more classical schools if the first one proves operationally and financially viable.
Continued Growth in Priest Training: 2019 set another record for number of priests taking advantage of Extraordinary Faith’s two-day training program in celebrating the Extraordinary Form. All three of the priests ordained for the Archdiocese of Detroit in 2019 have learned and celebrated the Traditional Mass.
Thanks to Our Priest Celebrants
Please include in your prayers those priests who have celebrated Holy Masses in the Extraordinary Form for us over the past year. Without them, we have no Mass: Fr. Lee Acervo, Fr. David Bechill, Fr. Mark Borkowski, Msgr. Ronald Browne, Fr. Athanasius Fornwalt, Fr. Peter Hrytsyk, Fr. Brian Hurley, Fr. David Johnston, Fr. Louis Madey, Fr. Clint McDonell, Fr. John McKenzie, Fr. Adam Nowak, Fr. Derik Peterman, Fr. R.J. Slaton, Fr. Joe Tuskiewicz, Fr. Jake Van Assche, and Fr. Cy Whitaker.
Thanks to Our Volunteers
The thriving Latin Mass scene we enjoy is in large part due to the consistent effort put forth by a dedicated team of volunteers. Those listed in bold deserve special commendation for volunteering at multiple sites across metro Detroit and Windsor.
Oakland County Latin Mass Association
Altar Servers: Nathan LaMendola, Riley LaMendola, Tyler LaMendola, Thomas McCourt, Kieran McDonnell, Liam McDonnell, Dominic Salas, Manny Salas, Edward Schmick, Vincent Schmick, Charlie Shane, Jude Shane
Board Members: Chris Batts, James Hitchcock, Cecilia Lakin, Sanford Lakin, Jon McDonnell
Choir Members (not including paid professionals): Joe Baldiga, Brian Bogedin, Maggie McCourt, Jill McDonnell, Anne Shane
Collection Counting: David Schmick
Rosary Leader: Mary Strahorn
Set-up & Take-down: Henry McCourt, Patrick McCourt
Ushers: Chris Batts, Pete Higgins, Patrick McCourt, Jon McDonnell, Michael Merriman
St. Benedict Tridentine Community
Altar Servers: Gabriel Ang, Matthew Charbonneau, Damien Cincurak, Martin Janisse, Benjamin McKinley, James Murphy, Jonathan Ozorak, Lucas Sarweh, Mitchell Witteveen, Dillon Yetman
Choir Members – Tuesday: Irena Hurajt, Laura Hurajt, Michel Ozorak, Celina Sarweh, Regina Sarweh
Choir Members – Sunday (not including paid professionals): Radek Budzik
Collection Counting: Agnes Arias, Theresa McKinley, Tim McKinley, Claudia Rutter
Finance Council: Ted Jankowski, Charlotte Parent [Treasurer]
Receptions & Social Events: Diane Begin, Christina Grossi
Rosary Leader: Tom Gilbert
Set-up & Take-down: Theresa McKinley, Tim McKinley
Ushers: Francis Ang, John Foot, Will Foot, Ted Jankowski, Frank O’Reilly, Ron Parent
Vestment & Altar Linen Laundry & Maintenance, and Newcomer Orientation: Diane Begin
Old St. Mary’s, Bus Tours, & Other Sites
Altar Servers: Xavier Erskine, Matthew Hanstad (seminarian), Elliott Schmick, John Tome, Zach Trailer
Ushers: Andrew Assenmacher, Mike Campeau, Pat Zelenak
- Alex Begin, Tridentine Community News editor

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