"I will go in unto the Altar of God
To God, Who giveth joy to my youth"
Tridentine Community News by Alex Begin (November 17, 2019):

November 17, 2019 – Twenty-third Sunday After Pentecost
Extraordinary Form Confirmations in 2020
Once again this year, Detroit’s Old St. Mary’s Church, in cooperation with the Oakland County Latin Mass Association, is planning to hold Confirmations in the Extraordinary Form. The Sacrament of Confirmation is open to children as well as adults. Candidate adults and parents of candidate children are requested to register in one of two ways:
OCLMA members should speak with Msgr. Browne after Mass at the Academy of the Sacred Heart Chapel, as well as e-mail info@oclma.org with the names of the candidates.
Those who do not attend the OCLMA should call Randy Bowers at Old St. Mary’s to register at (313) 961-8711. The parish may request you to speak with their pastor, Fr. Epperley.
The date of the ceremony will be determined by the availability of Bishop Donald Hanchon and will be set once a list of candidates has been assembled.
It should be noted that the St. Benedict Tridentine Community will not be arranging Confirmations in Windsor this year, so this provides a nearby opportunity for St. Benedict members to receive the sacrament.
Our Lady of the Rosary to Host First Traditional Mass
On Saturday, December 7 at 7:00 PM, Our Lady of the Rosary Church on Woodward in Midtown Detroit will host its first Traditional Latin High Mass. Fr. Derik Peterman will be the celebrant, and a reception for young adults age 18-35 will follow, organized by Juventútem Michigan. As always, those of all ages are invited to the Mass, which because of its time will satisfy the Sunday obligation.
Our Lady of the Rosary was originally built as an Episcopal church. Many decades after the Catholics took it over, it became the home of Detroit’s Oratory of St. Philip Neri in formation. Sister oratories such as those in London, Oxford, and Birmingham, England, and Toronto, Canada, are famed for their devotion to the Traditional Mass, so it is only fitting that our local one join that august company.
Debut of Hani Sarweh’s Mass Setting
Shortly before he passed away, St. Benedict and OCLMA choir member Hani Sarweh composed a Mass of St. Michael the Archangel in E Minor. On Sunday, December 8 at the 2:00 PM High Mass at St. Alphonsus Church in Windsor, the St. Benedict Tridentine Community Choir will debut the piece. Hani’s brother Wassim will direct the choir, and his brother Basel will travel from Texas to sing.
This week San Francisco’s Benedict XVI Institute of Sacred Music got word of this event and publicized it on their Facebook page. They see it as part of a burst of newly composed Mass settings that have debuted across the globe in recent months.
Side Altar Restoration at Our Lady of the Scapular
Longtime readers of this column are quite familiar with the talents of local church restoration expert Fr. Mark Borkowski. Responsible for restoration work at Sweetest Heart of Mary, St. Josaphat, and St. Joseph Churches in Detroit, Fr. Mark began a gradual restoration of Wyandotte’s Our Lady of the Scapular six years ago. This month he completed restoration and gold leaf work on the church’s two Side Altars, which now glisten with beauty. Our Lady of the Scapular holds a Tridentine Mass approximately once per month on a major Feast Day.

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