"I will go in unto the Altar of God
To God, Who giveth joy to my youth"
Tridentine Community News by Alex Begin (June 9, 2019):
June 9, 2019 – Pentecost Sunday
Special High Mass at Ste. Anne de Detroit on July 20
Every year Detroit’s oldest parish, Ste. Anne, offers a series of special Masses as part of the novena leading up to the Feast of St. Anne. Typically these are ethnic Masses representing the diversity of cultures comprising the Archdiocese of Detroit. In the 1980s, an Ordinary Form Latin Mass was included in the program, but that has long since been discontinued. This year for the first time, a day has been allocated for the Traditional Latin Mass: On Saturday, July 20 at 7:00 PM, Oakland County Latin Mass Association Chaplain Msgr. Ronald Browne will celebrate a High Mass in the Extraordinary Form for the Feast of St. Jerome Emiliani, supported by servers and singers from the OCLMA and St. Benedict. Though there have been three special occasion Tridentine Masses at Ste. Anne over the past several years, this is the first time that one is being publicly promoted by the parish, a welcome development for which we are grateful to pastor Msgr. Charles Kosanke.
Sacred Liturgy Conference Report
This year’s Sacred Liturgy Conference was held May 28-31 at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington. Attendees numbered about 300, including brothers from Detroit’s Franciscans of the Holy Spirit and the superiors of the Dominican Sisters of Ann Arbor. Highlights included a talk comparing the Extraordinary Form vs. Ordinary Form blessings of Holy Water by San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone [photo above], a Pontifical Solemn Mass in the Extraordinary Form celebrated by Archbishop Cordileone at Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral [photo below], and a Solemn High Dominican Rite Mass celebrated by Fr. Gabriel Mosher, OP at St. Aloysius Church, on the campus of Gonzaga University. As always, it was a memorable and inspiring event. The Sacred Liturgy Conference will return to Spokane in June, 2020.
Again this year, Extraordinary Faith was invited to provide celebrant training in the Traditional Mass at the conference. Four sessions were held in the Gonzaga Chapel, pictured below, attended by priests, seminarians, and a surprisingly large number of laypeople. Fr. Kenny St. Hilaire of Spokane graciously volunteered to be the priest being trained at the altar.
Tridentine Masses This Coming Week
- Mon. 06/10 7:00 PM: High Mass at Old St. Patrick, Ann Arbor (Pentecost Monday) – Annual Pentecost Octave High Masses
- Tue. 06/11 7:00 PM: High Mass at Old St. Patrick, Ann Arbor (Pentecost Tuesday)
- Tue. 06/11 7:00 PM: High Mass at Holy Name of Mary, Windsor (Pentecost Tuesday)
- Wed. 06/12 8:30 AM: High Mass at Old St. Patrick, Ann Arbor (Ember Wednesday of Pentecost)
- Thu. 06/13 8:30 AM: High Mass at Old St. Patrick, Ann Arbor (Pentecost Thursday)
- Fri. 06/14 8:30 AM: High Mass at Old St. Patrick, Ann Arbor (Ember Friday of Pentecost)
- Sat. 06/15 8:30 AM: Low Mass at Miles Christi (Ember Saturday of Pentecost)
- Sat. 06/15 9:00 AM: High Mass at Old St. Patrick, Ann Arbor (Ember Saturday of Pentecost)
- Sun. 06/16 12:30 PM: High Mass at Old St. Patrick, Ann Arbor (Trinity Sunday)
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