"I will go in unto the Altar of God
To God, Who giveth joy to my youth"
Tridentine Community News by Alex Begin (May 20, 2018):

May 20, 2018 – Pentecost Sunday
Our Lady of Czestochowa Church Adds Communion Rail and Traditional Furnishings
Built in 1979 in a modern, angular style, Sterling Heights, Michigan’s Our Lady of Czestochowa Church serves a Polish congregation and is pastored by priests of the [Polish] Society of Christ. All but one Mass per week are in the Polish language.
Recently the parish undertook some adaptations to its sanctuary to make it more traditional in appearance. More classically-styled artwork, quasi-Side Altars, and a Communion Rail were added. There is a clear trend underway at several churches in the Archdiocese of Detroit to install and/or reintroduce the use of Altar Rails for distributing Holy Communion. In this particular church’s case, we have proof that even a modern building can accommodate a traditional appearance, which can only help to bolster the faith of the congregation.
Boston College Jesuits Commence Offering the Traditional Mass
Another group of Jesuits has begun to celebrate the Tridentine Mass: In Boston, Fr. Gary Gurtler, SJ, and Fr. Juan Carlos Rivera Castro, SJ have begun to offer the Traditional Mass every Friday at noon at Boston College’s St. Joseph Chapel. Fr. Castro has also offered the Extraordinary Form at St. Paul Church in Cambridge, the same church that hosts the St. Paul Choir School, mentioned in this column many times.
These Boston Jesuits join their confrères here in Detroit, Miami (at Gesu Church), San Francisco (Fr. Joseph Fessio, SJ), the peripatetic Fr. Kenneth Baker, SJ, Fr. William Blazek, SJ [head of the Apostleship of Prayer], and various priests at London’s Farm Street Church, as regular celebrants of the Latin Mass.
Rock DJ Now a Catholic Talk Show Co-Host
Metro Detroit readers of a certain age will recognize the name Ken Calvert. Ken was a rock DJ on WRIF, WCSX, and several other radio stations for decades. He was also the announcer for the Detroit Pistons for many years. His mellifluous voice is etched into local memories. A few years ago Ken retired from commercial radio, but recently he has resurfaced. You might be surprised about his choice of subject matter.
You’re used to hear that voice introducing Bob Seger, Bruce Springsteen, and the like. Now you can hear Ken talking about Rogation Days, Mortal Sin, and the importance of Apostles’ Feast Days. That’s because he is the producer and host of The Father Joe Podcast (www.thefatherjoepodcast.com), his co-host being Fr. Joe Grimaldi, a former teacher of his from Brother Rice High School who is now a weekend assistant at St. Hugo of the Hills and Ss. Cyril & Methodius Churches. Interestingly, Ken’s take on Catholicism has a decidedly more traditional slant than Fr. Grimaldi’s.
New Prayer Pilgrimages Bus Tours
After the briefest of hiatuses, intrepid bus tour director Michael Semaan has announced four new tours of historic churches:Unfortunately only the August tour will include Holy Masses in the Extraordinary Form. For more information, visit www.prayerpilgrimages.com or call (248) 250-6005.
- July 1-7: Montreal & Quebec City
- July 13: Detroit churches
- August 1-3: Ordinations of the Institute of Christ the King in St. Louis, Missouri
- November 8-15: Rome & Assisi [Mike’s furthest and most ambitious tour yet]
Tridentine Masses This Coming Week
- Mon. 05/21 7:00 PM: High Mass at Old St. Patrick, Ann Arbor (Pentecost Monday)
- Tue. 05/22 7:00 PM: High Mass at Holy Name of Mary, Windsor (Pentecost Tuesday)
- Tue. 05/22 7:00 PM: High Mass at Old St. Patrick (Pentecost Tuesday)
- Wed. 05/23 8:30 AM: High Mass at Old St. Patrick (Ember Wednesday of Pentecost)
- Thu. 05/24 8:30 AM: High Mass at Old St. Patrick (Pentecost Thursday)
- Fri. 05/25 8:30 AM: High Mass at Old St. Patrick (Ember Friday of Pentecost)
- Sat. 05/26 8:30 AM: Low Mass at Miles Christi (Ember Saturday of Pentecost)
- Sat. 05/26 9:00 AM: High Mass at Old St. Patrick (Ember Saturday of Pentecost)
- Sun. 05/27 12:30 PM: High Mass at Old St. Patrick (Trinity Sunday)

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