"I will go in unto the Altar of God
To God, Who giveth joy to my youth"
Tridentine Community News by Alex Begin (April 29, 2018):

April 29, 2018 – Fourth Sunday After Easter
Extraordinary Faith Episode 15: London Part 1 of 4 to Debut on EWTN on Monday, April 30 The first of four episodes of Extraordinary Faith filmed in London, England will air on EWTN. Episode 15: London Part 1 of 4 will be shown on Monday, April 30 at 5:30 PM and on Tuesday, May 1 at 2:30 AM. As with all episodes, it will be posted for viewing on the Extraordinary Faith YouTube and Vimeo channels and at www.extraordinaryfaith.tv one month after it debuts on EWTN. You are not imagining things; EWTN scheduled the debut of this later episode of the show before earlier episodes are to debut later this the same week.
As this column has many times emphasized, London is the most exuberantly Catholic city this writer has ever visited. Traditional liturgy and music abounds; the quality of Catholic life, liturgical and otherwise, is unparalleled. These episodes provide a glimpse into this amazing world.
Our visit begins at the center of Catholicism in this capital city, Westminster Cathedral. Rector Canon Christopher Tuckwell explains the myriad of sacramental and devotional offerings at the cathedral. Mass is offered in Latin in the Ordinary Form daily and in the Extraordinary Form at least once per month, with occasional Solemn High Masses at the High Altar.
Dylan Parry was at the time of filming the editor of Westminster Cathedral’s Orémus Magazine; he has since joined the Norbertines and has taken the religious name of Br. Gildas Parry. He explains why Catholic tradition is so strong in London and the role of the late Cardinal Heenan in obtaining the pioneering “Agatha Christie Indult” for the Tridentine Mass in 1971.
Few Catholic parishes in the world can boast of a music program that features occasional polyphonic Masses in Latin. Westminster Cathedral has them all beat: They offer choral Masses most every day of the year, usually with the Cathedral Choir School boys’ choir. Music Director Martin Baker explains their ambitious music program and lets us in on a rehearsal with the choir school.
Occasional devotional processions are a part of the life of many parishes that feature the Traditional Mass. London, however, pretty much outclasses them all: In October there are not one but two major outdoor processions on successive weeks, both starting from Westminster Cathedral. We filmed the Rosary Crusade, in which approximately 2,000 of the faithful process down the main commercial streets of London on a Saturday, from Westminster Cathedral to the London Oratory. The procession ends with standing-room-only Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at the Oratory. How inspiring to see such an enthusiastic public witness to our Holy Faith.
Tridentine Masses This Coming Week
- Tue. 05/01: 8:00 AM Low Mass & 7:00 PM Solemn High Mass at St. Joseph (St. Joseph the Worker)
- Tue. 05/01 7:00 PM: High Mass at Holy Name of Mary, Windsor (St. Joseph the Worker)
- Fri. 05/04 7:00 PM: Solemn High Mass at Old St. Mary’s (St. Monica, Widow) – Celebrant: Fr. Stephen Wolfe, SJ; Deacon: Fr. Joe Tuskiewicz; Subdeacon: Fr. Peter Hrytsyk. Choir will sing Missa Surréxit Pastor Bonus by Orlando di Lassus. Devotions to the Sacred Heart before Mass; reception after Mass.
- Sat. 05/05 8:30 AM: Low Mass at Miles Christi (St. Pius V, Pope & Confessor)

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