"I will go in unto the Altar of God
To God, Who giveth joy to my youth"
Tridentine Community News by Alex Begin (February 4, 2018):

February 4, 2018 – Sexagésima Sunday
Why Should I Go to Mass Every Day?
Reader James Murphy brought to our attention this reflection on why one should strive to attend Holy Mass daily, taken from the Pieta Prayer Book:“The Mass is the most perfect form of prayer!” (Pope Paul VI)The Tradition of Praying Three Hail Marys Daily
For each Mass we hear with devotion, Our Lord sends a saint to comfort us at death. (Revelation of Christ to Saint Gertrude the Great)
Saint Padre Pio, the stigmatic priest, said, “Every holy Mass, heard with devotion, produces in our souls marvelous effects, abundant spiritual and material graces which we, ourselves, do not know. It is easier for the earth to exist without the sun than without the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.”
Saint John Vianney said that if we knew the value of the Mass, we would die of joy.
Your prayers are strongest at the Consecration in Holy Mass (raising of Host and Chalice). Each time we look at The Most Blessed Sacrament our place in heaven is raised forever (revealed by Our Lord to Saint Gertrude the Great).
“The Holy Mass would be of greater profit if people had it offered in their lifetime, rather than having it celebrated for the relief of their souls after death.” (Pope Benedict XV)
Once, Saint Teresa of Avila was overwhelmed with God’s Goodness and asked Our Lord, “How can I thank you?” Our Lord replied, “ATTEND ONE MASS.”
The Blessed Virgin Mary once told her faithful servant, Blessed Alain, “My Son so loves those who assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that, if it were necessary, He would die for them as many times as they’ve heard Masses.”
It has long been recommended that Catholics pray three Hail Marys every day, with the intention of avoiding mortal sin. An August 14, 2017 article on aleteia.org explains that in the 13th century St. Mechtilde was promised by Our Lady that whoever would pray three Hail Marys every day would receive our Blessed Mother’s help during life and her special assistance at the moment of death:“…I want you, on your part, to pray three Hail Marys to me each day. With the first, you will ask that, just as God the Father raised me up to a throne of glory without equal, making me the most powerful creature in heaven and on earth, so too I may assist you on earth to strengthen you and drive away from you every power of the enemy. With the second Hail Mary, you will ask that, just as the Son of God filled me with wisdom to such an extent that I have more knowledge of the Holy Trinity than all the Saints, so too may I help you during the last moments of your life, filling your soul with the light of faith and of true wisdom, so that the shadows of error and ignorance may not darken it. With the third, you will ask that, just as the Holy Spirit filled me with the sweetness of His love, and has made me so loving that, after God, I am the sweetest and most merciful, so also may I help you at the hour of your death, filling your soul with such gentleness of divine love that all the sorrow and bitterness of your death may be changed for you into delight.”A Prayer for the Forgotten Dead
This lovely historic holy card from the Marianhill Missionaries – whose monastery is in Dearborn Heights, Michigan - needs no elaboration.
St. Josaphat Monday Masses Suspended
The Monday evening Tridentine Masses at St. Josaphat Church have been suspended for the time being. We will advise if and when they resume.
Tridentine Masses This Coming Week
- Tue. 02/06 7:00 PM: Low Mass at Holy Name of Mary, Windsor (St. Titus, Bishop & Confessor)
- Sat. 02/10 8:30 AM: Low Mass at Miles Christi (St. Scholastica, Virgin)
- Sun. 02/11: No Mass at OCLMA/Academy of the Sacred Heart

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