"I will go in unto the Altar of God
To God, Who giveth joy to my youth"
Tridentine Community News by Alex Begin (February 11, 2018):

February 11, 2018 – Quinquagésima Sunday
Notes on the Mass Schedule
A few readers have asked about the criteria for Masses to be included in the below list. Given how many Tridentine Masses are offered in our region every week, only a few can be included.
Most of the readership of this column attends the Oakland County Latin Mass Association, the St. Benedict Tridentine Community, and/or Old St. Mary’s, thus the listings are geared towards their interests.
Regularly scheduled Sunday Masses are not included, as the majority of our readers already attend one of those. Occasionally Sunday Masses will be listed because of noteworthy special events. Special Masses at unique sites, and irregularly held Masses such as those at Our Lady of the Scapular are included.
Tridentine Masses This Coming WeekTue. 02/13 7:00 PM: Low Mass at Holy Name of Mary, Windsor (Votive Mass for the Propagation of the Faith) Wed. 02/14: 12:00 Noon Low Mass & 7:00 PM High Mass at St. Joseph (Ash Wednesday) Wed. 02/14 7:00 PM: High Mass at St. Alphonsus, Windsor (Ash Wednesday) Sat. 02/17 8:30 AM: Low Mass at Miles Christi (St. Scholastica, Virgin)

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