Thursday, January 05, 2017

“…the language demons fear the most…”

At Catholic Gentleman we find an interview with “Mixed Martial Arts” fighter, Bas Rutten.  Biretta tip to a reader –   o{]:¬)
In the interview we find:
14. You say frequently, “Deo gratias!” This is Latin for “Thanks be to God.” Just curious: Do you happen to go to a Mass that is in Latin?
Yes, I do. I also do my rosary in Latin and learned a whole bunch of other prayers in Latin as well. It’s the language demons fear the most, and the universal language of the Church.  I find it more reverent and a higher form of prayer.
The more I pray, the more I see everything in my life as getting better, not only in regards to the Faith, but also for myself and automatically my family and friends. The more prayers I memorize the more it develops my brain, the easier it becomes for me to memorize scripts, whether it’s for movies, TV or commentating jobs. YES, it takes time to memorize, but it will help me with a whole bunch of other things as well.
Many people only train their bodies; not realizing you can train your brain and your soul as well.  Our biggest fights are not with mortal flesh but with the fallen angels.  Another great fighter once said something to that effect…
Do I hear an “Amen!”?
Memorize prayers in Latin.
Promote the study of Latin.
Support sacred liturgical worship in Latin.

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