Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Stephen Colbert vs. Jack White: Catholic Throwdown:

Stephen Colbert and Jack White (the rock guitarist) try to one-up each other in a game of Catholic trivia. Advisory: the language is appalling. If you can get past that, there are some amusing moments. The most telling thing, of course, is how little either of them actually seem to know about Catholicism, sad to say. For example, Jack White says at one point that person conceived in the Immaculate Conception was Jesus, and Colbert says at another point that the Virgin Mary's mother was Elizabeth. Ah well ... all in the name of entertainment.

[Hat tip to C.B.]


Roger said...

This is testimony why good liturgy is so important. They remember the music at mass but obviously are weak in knowledge of their faith. In other words, stop singing protestant hymns at mass, they send a protestant message.

Dark Horse said...

And the Mass music Jack White remembered is totlly forgettable.

Anonymous said...

It's a "thurible", not a "censure".

anon said...

I am a bit confused with the "Colbert is a devout Catholic" thing. I sincerely hope that he really is.

Adoramus said...

This is really a one-up to see who is the more ignorant when it comes to the Faith. They're both Novus Ordo Catholics, so that explains a good deal of their confusion. Still, they've retained some things; it would be good if they would prayerfully seek to return to the Faith. Aside to "Anonymous": Censer is at least partially correct; yes, thurible is the technical term, but what it is is a specialized censer, that is, a specialized vessel for burning incense. Aside to "Anon": Stephen Colbert is assuredly not a devout Catholic, any more than Joe Biden; a devout Catholic would never seek to make comedic fodder of abortion, even remotely, the way Colbert does here: http://www.jillstanek.com/2012/01/stephen-colbert-creates-partial-birth-abortion-drinking-game/ He has a very sick, distorted view of what's funny...pray for him (and for Jack White).