Some churches, including St. Josaphat, have a custom of placing violet veils over the (reachable) statues, crucifixes, and paintings in the church from Passion Sunday through the Easter Vigil. In the Tridentine calendar, Passion Sunday is one week before Palm Sunday, thus the veiling persists for almost two weeks.[Comments? Please e-mail Previous columns are available at This edition of Tridentine Community News, with minor editions, is from the St. Josaphat bulletin insert for April 26, 2011. Hat tip to A.B.]
This veiling represents our Lord hiding Himself away as the crowds cast stones at Him (Gospel of Passion Sunday), and it prepares us for the Sacred Triduum, when He was taken away from us. For the same reason, Psalm 42, the Júdica me, is omitted from the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar at the beginning of Mass during this period. Holy Mother Church wants us to miss something from the Liturgy, just as our Lord’s Divinity was hidden during His Passion.
Technically, such veiling is required in the Extraordinary Form, while optional in the Ordinary Form. Modern day practicalities do not always permit this in parishes that also host the Ordinary Form, nor are the requisite veils always, or all, available; and there is a limit to what is reasonable to set up before, and take down after, every Tridentine Mass.
Tuesday Passion
With the debut of the Tuesday evening Tridentine Mass at Assumption Church, this will be the first year for our readership that the Passion of St. Mark will be read at Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form.
All four Passions are read during Holy Week. The Passion of St. Matthew is chanted on Palm Sunday. The Passion of St. Mark is specified for Tuesday in Holy Week. The Passion of St. Luke is read on Wednesday of Holy Week. Good Friday brings the chanting of the Passion of St. John. Note that no Passion is specified for Monday in Holy Week, when Holy Mass is held at St. Josaphat.
Weekday Feria Numbering
The accompanying first page of the Christ role in the Tuesday Passion draws our attention to how the Church designates weekday Ferias. When there is no specific Feast to be celebrated, a “Feria” is the default Mass to be celebrated. During most of the year, a Ferial Mass is simply the Mass of the preceding Sunday, often superseded by a voluntarily chosen Votive Mass or a Requiem Mass. During Lent and Advent, however, specific sets of Propers are provided for weekday Ferias. Sunday is considered Day #1 in the week, thus a Mass on Tuesday, as pictured, is the Third Feria of the week. Hebdomádæ Sanctæ means “of Holy Week.”
The Wooden ClapperAnother reduction of the Sacred Liturgy during the Triduum is the suppression of bells. Where hand bells would ordinarily be rung, a wooden clapper called the crotálus is used instead. Bells denote joy, a sentiment which must be set aside as we recall our Lord’s Passion. The clapper instead produces a severe and somewhat startling sound, quite appropriate in light of our Lord’s sufferings.
Divine Mercy Sunday Tridentine Masses
Once again this year there will be two Holy Masses in the Extraordinary Form at the Hour of Divine Mercy on Divine Mercy Sunday: One at Windsor’s Assumption Church at 3:00 PM and one at Detroit’s St. Joseph Church at 3:00 PM. The usual 9:30 AM Tridentine Mass at St. Josaphat Church will also be celebrated.
Note that there is no specific Feast of Divine Mercy in the Extraordinary Form. The Sunday After Easter is called Low Sunday, to distinguish it from the highest of high Feasts the week before. Nevertheless the Church permits the devotions of Divine Mercy to be celebrated in conjunction with this Mass.
Holy Week Tridentine Mass Schedule
As in previous years, liturgies in the Extraordinary Form will be offered for the Sacred Triduum this week. Note that two services will be offered on Good Friday to suit your schedule.
- Mon. 04/18 7:00 PM: Low Mass at St. Josaphat (Monday in Holy Week)
- Tue. 04/19 7:00 PM: Low Mass at Assumption-Windsor (Tuesday in Holy Week)
- Thu. 04/21 7:00 PM: High Mass at St. Josaphat (Holy Thursday)
- Fri. 04/22 1:30 PM: Good Friday Service at St. Josaphat. The Passion will be chanted.
- Fri. 04/22 5:30 PM: Good Friday Service at Assumption-Windsor. The Passion will be chanted.
- Sat. 04/23 8:00 PM: High Mass at St. Josaphat (Easter Vigil)
- Sun. 04/24 9:30 AM: High Mass at St. Josaphat (Easter Sunday)
- Sun. 04/24 2:00 PM: High Mass at Assumption-Windsor (Easter Sunday)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Veiling of Statues and Images in Passiontide
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