Monday, June 04, 2007

Will "historical Koranic criticism" yield a more pacific Islam?

According to Sandro Magister, a contemporary Islamologist appears to think so. In "For a Renewed Interpretation of the Qur'an: The Lesson of a Great Islamologist" (www.chiesa, June 4, 2007), Magister writes:
Michel Cuypers applies to the sacred book of Islam the methods already applied to the Bible. The results are astonishing. For example, the most bellicose verses of the Qur'an do not "abrogate" the more tolerant and peaceable ones, as the proponents of holy war presume
I remain skeptical for the reason that I repose little confidence in any movement whose ebullience takes its point of departure from the Enlightenment in general. I am no more convinced that a peaceful Islam can be found through tinkering with suras in the Kuran than I am that the Pax Christi can be garnered by finding the right spin on foreign policy in Iraq.

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