"I will go in unto the Altar of God
To God, Who giveth joy to my youth"
Tridentine Community News by Alex Begin (March 15, 2020):

March 15, 2020 -- Third Sunday of Lent
Traditional Holy Water Blessing Implores Health
This column and many other authors have long touted the benefits of Holy Water blessed using the Traditional Roman Ritual. Salt is exorcized and blessed, the water is exorcized and blessed, and then a prayer is said after the salt is added to the water. The modern rite of blessing holy water omits the exorcisms and has a vastly abbreviated prayer. No wonder it is said that water blessed the “old way” is more efficacious.
The traditional blessing includes the following words: “Be thou a purified salt for the health of believers, giving soundness of body and soul to all who use thee….May all that use it find a remedy for soul and body…Let this creature [water] serve Thee in expelling demons and curing diseases.” Traditionally blessed Holy Water therefore has a role to play in protecting us against the current Coronavirus and future health threats.
Votive Mass in Time of Pestilence
The collection of Votive Masses provided in the Traditional Roman Missal includes a Votive Mass in Time of Pestilence, sometimes also called the Votive Mass for Epidemics. O’Connell’s The Celebration of Mass indicates that for a grave matter of public concern, a priest may celebrate this Votive Mass as a Mass of the Second Class, meaning it can be used in place of a Lenten Feria. The St. Benedict Tridentine Community will celebrate this Votive Mass this Tuesday, March 17 at 7:00 PM.
St. Joseph Oratory Named Archdiocesan Shrine
Archbishop Allen Vigneron has designated St. Joseph Oratory as an Archdiocesan Shrine. The formal announcement was originally to have taken place during His Excellency’s visit to the church during the St. Joseph Day of Prayer on March 19, but that event has presumably been suspended.
Shrines can be Diocesan, National, or International in designation. Very few international shrines exist; one that is quite well-known is the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy. Most famous shrines are National, for example the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC, and our own Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower in Royal Oak. Other Archdiocesan Shrines in Detroit include the Shrine of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at St. Joseph Chapel in Pontiac, and the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Riverview where the Blue Army holds Masses. The Diocese of London, Ontario has Our Lady of the Rosary Shrine in Merlin.
Check On-Line for OCLMA Mass Location & Time
The Academy of the Sacred Heart decided to close the school to outside activities this weekend. Then Archbishop Vigneron suspended all public Masses in the Archdiocese of Detroit through Monday, April 6. The Triduum in the Extraordinary Form is still planned at the Academy, with Fr. Louis Madey as celebrant: Holy Thursday at 7:00 PM, Good Friday at 1:30 PM, and the Easter Vigil at 8:00 PM. There will be no Mass on Easter Sunday. Please check the OCLMA Twitter account at @oclatinmass or the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/OCLMA to find out the latest information about OCLMA Masses and to confirm the plans for the Triduum, as things are clearly in flux.
First of Two New York Episodes of Extraordinary Faith Now Viewable on YouTube and Vimeo
Episode 19 of Extraordinary Faith – New York City Part 1 of 2 – is now available for viewing on the Extraordinary Faith channel on YouTube and Vimeo. We’ll pay a visit to Sacra Liturgía, one of the world’s largest conferences on traditional sacred liturgy. We’ll speak with Cardinal Raymond Burke, one of the Church’s most enthusiastic advocates of the Traditional Mass. We’ll talk with two of the conference speakers: Dom Alcuin Reid, the liturgical scholar who organizes the event, and a professor who will explain to us the theological understanding of beauty. We’ll speak with the Dominican priest who hosted the conference in his parish, and we’ll take you to the Solemn Pontifical Mass that crowned the conference.

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