"I will go in unto the Altar of God
To God, Who giveth joy to my youth"
Tridentine Community News by Alex Begin (October 6, 2019):

October 6, 2019 – External Solemnity of Our Lady of the Rosary
The Mystical Body of Christ
Via Juventútem London comes the above diagram of the Mystical Body of Christ, depicting the relationship between the Church Militant on Earth, the Church Suffering in Purgatory, and the Church Triumphant in Heaven. We must never forget the assistance that the branches are able to provide one another, in particular the obligation we have to assist the Suffering Souls in Purgatory.
Archbishop Cordileone to Celebrate Traditional Mass at DC’s National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
On Saturday, November 16 at 10:00 AM, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone will celebrate a Pontifical Solemn Mass in the Extraordinary Form at Washington, DC’s Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. This will only be the third or possibly fourth time that the Traditional Mass will have been celebrated in the main upper church of the National Shrine over the past 50 years. The Mass will be broadcast live on EWTN. The occasion is the debut of composer Frank La Rocca’s Mass of the Americas. First performed for the Ordinary Form in 2018, La Rocca specifically adapted this Mass setting for the Extraordinary Form, and colleagues from San Francisco’s Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Divine Worship will comprise the choir at the Basilica. Visiting the “Scavi” at the Vatican
The “Scavi” are the excavations of the necropolis beneath St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. St. Peter’s tomb is located there. It is not well-known that tours of the Scavi are available. The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See has published a web page explaining how to arrange such a visit. For details, see: https://va.usembassy.gov/embassy/vatican-visit/the-scavi/
St. Mary, Williamston Debuts Monthly Traditional Mass
Via Juventútem Michigan comes word that St. Mary Church in Williamston, Michigan is introducing monthly Tridentine Masses on Sundays at 5:00 PM. The celebrant will be pastor Fr. Mark Rutherford. Consult the parish’s Facebook page for the specific dates on which Masses will be held.
Williamston is located southeast of Lansing, Michigan.
Tridentine Masses This Coming Week
- Tue. 10/08 7:00 PM: Low Mass at Holy Name of Mary, Windsor (St. Bridget of Sweden, Widow)
- Sat. 10/12 8:30 AM: Low Mass at Miles Christi (Saturday of Our Lady)

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