"I will go in unto the Altar of God
To God, Who giveth joy to my youth"
Tridentine Community News by Alex Begin (April 8, 2018):

April 8, 2018 – Low Sunday / Divine Mercy Sunday
Extraordinary Faith Season 2 Debuts on EWTN: Episode 12: Windsor, Ontario to Air on May 2
EWTN has scheduled the airing of Season 2 of Extraordinary Faith. They are taking a different approach this time: New episodes will be aired rapid-fire on successive days. As a result, this column of necessity will be featuring all of those episodes over the next several weeks. Not to worry if you can’t watch them all when they initially air; the network will likely repeat them frequently, as they did with the episodes from Season 1. Plus, as always, episodes will be posted on the Extraordinary Faith YouTube and Vimeo channels, and linked on our web site, www.extraordinaryfaith.tv, one month after they debut on EWTN.
The first episode of Season 2 oddly will not be the first to air, but we will nevertheless mention it first, as there is a thematic progression to the episodes: Staying close to home this time and showcasing some local pride, Episode 12 is the first of three episodes filmed here in metro Detroit. This first episode focuses on metro Detroit’s oldest Latin Mass group, Windsor’s St. Benedict Tridentine Community. Episode 12 will air on Wednesday, May 2 at 5:30 PM and Thursday, May 3 at 2:30 AM (yes, overnight).
Little did we know that the principal site where we filmed much of this episode, Windsor’s Assumption Church, would be closed just weeks after our shoot took place. Scenes of the Tridentine Mass at Assumption [pictured above] are included throughout the episode. Additional footage was filmed more recently at one of St. Benedict’s two current homes, historic St. Alphonsus Church.
Two of our most ubiquitous priest celebrants are profiled: Fr. Peter Hrytsyk and Fr. Joe Tuskiewicz, as they have interesting and unusual vocation stories. Ordained for the Ukrainian Rite, Fr. Peter has bi-ritual faculties in the Latin Rite. He came to love the Tridentine Mass after attending it in the congregation when the Windsor Tridentine Masses were held at St. Michael Church. A senior ad executive whose job posts led him to live in cities across the globe, Fr. Joe gave up his lucrative career to study for the priesthood after several years of serving at the altar for the Tridentine Masses at Assumption, St. Josaphat, and St. Albertus. [This is a man who was on the team that gave us the Like a Rock ads for Chevrolet.] The interview with the two Fathers was filmed in the Rosary Chapel at Assumption Church, which remains open and occasionally still hosts Tridentine Masses, as recently as two weeks ago.
Music directors near and far have come to know Wassim Sarweh for his innovative approach to accompanying Gregorian Chant on the organ and for his use of Organum Chant, in which a vocal drone serves as background to the singing. Wassim introduces the St. Benedict Choir and explains his background and his experience in building Latin Mass choirs from scratch.
Do you know people who don’t or won’t attend the Latin Mass because they find the Latin language too difficult? St. Benedict Secretary/Treasurer Charlotte Parent and her husband Ron are on a mission to bust that myth by training their dogs to understand Latin. Tell your friends that if a dog can learn what Oráte, fratres means, so can you!
Tridentine Masses This Coming Week
- Tue. 04/10 7:00 PM: High Requiem Mass at Holy Name of Mary, Windsor (Daily Mass for the Dead)
- Sat. 04/14 8:30 AM: Low Mass at Miles Christi (St. Justin, Martyr)

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