"I will go in unto the Altar of God
To God, Who giveth joy to my youth"
Tridentine Community News by Alex Begin (December 31, 2017):

December 31, 2017 – Sunday in the Octave of ChristmasTridentine Masses This Coming Week
2017 Year in Review
As is our custom at year’s end, we take a look at the most significant developments in the local Latin Mass scene over the past 12 months:
Signs of Mainstreaming of Traditional Liturgy: The ever-increasing number of Latin Mass sites and interested priests in our region, the record attendance of over 75 individuals at the recent Chant Workshop at Old St. Mary’s, the increasing frequency of local bishops celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Extraordinary Form, the continuing attendance growth at the Oakland County Latin Mass Association, St. Benedict, Old St. Mary’s, St. Joseph, and elsewhere, all demonstrate an organic growth of the Traditional Mass at a time when overall attendance at Ordinary Form Masses in this part of the world is decreasing.
Seminary Training Popularity: Most of the first year class at Sacred Heart Major Seminary enrolled in Fr. Clint McDonell’s Tridentine Mass training course, and eight seminarians at Orchard Lake’s Ss. Cyril & Methodius Seminary are taking Fr. Louis Madey’s similar course there. At Orchard Lake, the seminarians actually petitioned leadership for such a course to be offered.
Debut of New Mass Sites: This list is getting progressively shorter each year, as so many of our local historic churches have already hosted Tridentine Masses. In 2017 St. Mary in St. Clair, Michigan was the only church to introduce a Tridentine Mass for the first time since the Second Vatican Council.
Prayer Pilgrimages: Mike Semaan’s Prayer Pilgrimages bus tour operation continues to break new ground, with a trip last spring to the historic churches and missions of California, including Tridentine Masses every day. Just yesterday, December 30, a special Solemn High Mass at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church during Mike’s Chicago bus tour was projected to attract several hundred local faithful and include blogger Fr. Z as Deacon.
Thanks to Our Volunteers
The thriving Extraordinary Form scene we enjoy is in large part due to the consistent effort put forth by a dedicated team of volunteers. Those listed in bold deserve special credit for volunteering at multiple sites across metro Detroit and Windsor.
Oakland County Latin Mass AssociationAltar Servers: Riley LaMendola, Tyler LaMendola, Thomas McCourt, Kieran McDonnell, Liam McDonnell, Edward Schmick, Vincent Schmick, Charlie Shane, Jude ShaneSt. Benedict Tridentine Community
Volunteer Choir Members: Joe Baldiga, Maggie McCourt, Jill McDonnell, Anne Shane, Caroline Wallis
Ushers: Chris Batts, Pete Higgins, Jon McDonnell
Collection Counters: Paul Mongiello, Alexis Pollard
Board Members: Chris Batts, James Hitchcock, Cecilia Lakin, Sanford Lakin, Jon McDonnell
Receptions, Vestments, & Altar Linens: Diane Begin, Mary Sullivan
Set-up & Take-down: Henry McCourt, Patrick McCourt, Thomas McCourt
Rosary Leader: Mary StrahornAltar Servers: Gabriel Ang, Matthew Charbonneau, Damien Cincurak, James Cincurak, Martin Janisse, Benjamin McKinley, James Murphy, Jonathan Ozorak, Lucas Sarweh, John Tome, Mitchell WitteveenOld St. Mary’s, St. Hyacinth, Bus Tours, & Other Sites
Volunteer Choir Members: Irena Hurajt, Laura Hurajt, Michel Ozorak, Celina Sarweh, Regina Sarweh
Ushers: Alex Foley, John Foot, Ted Jankowski, Frank O’Reilly
Finance Council: Ted Jankowski, Charlotte Parent, Ron Parent
Set-up, Take-down, & Collection Counting: Tim McKinley, Theresa McKinley, Charlotte Parent, Claudia RutterAltar Servers: Michael Alvarez, Tommy Alvarez, Luke Rzeczkowski, Elliott Schmick, Zach Trailer, Francesco Von Buelow, Johannes Von BuelowPlease also keep in your prayers those priests who have celebrated Holy Masses in the Extraordinary Form for us over the past year: Bishop Earl Boyea, Bishop Donald Hanchon, Fr. Lee Acervo, Fr. David Bechill, Fr. Mark Borkowski, Msgr. Ronald Browne, Fr. Paul de Soza, Canon Jonathon Fehrenbacher, Fr. Athanasius Fornwalt, Fr. Peter Hrytsyk, Fr. David Johnston, Fr. Louis Madey, Fr. Clint McDonell, Canon Michael Stein, Fr. Joe Tuskiewicz, Fr. Jake Van Assche, Fr. Cy Whitaker, Fr. Charles White, and Fr. Stephen Wolfe.
Ushers: Mike Campeau, Peter Gulewich, Bob Kujawa, Pat Zelenak
- Alex Begin, Tridentine Community News editor
- Mon. 01/01 – Octave of Christmas:
- St. Edward on the Lake: 12:00 Midnight
- St. Joseph: 9:00 AM [Low Mass], 11:00 AM
- Assumption Grotto: 9:30 AM
- OCLMA/Academy of the Sacred Heart: 9:45 AM
- St. Benedict/Holy Name of Mary: 2:00 PM
- Tue. 01/02 7:00 PM: High Mass at Holy Name of Mary, Windsor (Holy Name of Jesus)
- Fri. 01/05 7:00 PM: Solemn High Mass at Old St. Mary’s (St. Telesphorus, Pope & Martyr) – Celebrant: Msgr. Ronald Browne, Deacon: Fr. Joe Tuskiewicz, Subdeacon: Fr. Jake Van Assche. Choir will sing Missa Secúnda by Hans Leo Hassler. Benediction after Mass. Reception follows in the parish hall.

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