"I will go in unto the Altar of God
To God, Who giveth joy to my youth"
Tridentine Community News by Alex Begin (January 28, 2018):

January 28, 2018 – Septuagésima Sunday
Oregon Sacred Liturgy Conference 2018
In 2017 the Oregon Sacred Liturgy Conference was a surprise sell-out. Despite being located in the relatively small city of Medford, luminaries including Cardinal Burke attended, drawing crowds. Hoping to repeat its success in 2018, organizers will be welcoming several prominent figures from the world of traditional Catholicism to speak at this year’s event, to be held Wednesday-Saturday June 27-30 at St. Joseph Church and the Salem Conference Center in Salem, Oregon. If you have never before attended a Latin Mass-centric conference, this is one you may wish to consider, as it is rare to experience such an assemblage of speakers in North America.
This writer has been invited to lead workshops at the conference for priests and seminarians wishing to learn to celebrate the Extraordinary Form, however the event is primarily intended for the laity. For more information, visit: www.sacredliturgyconference.org
Archbishop Gullickson’s Reflections on Celebrating the Traditional Mass
Originally from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Archbishop Thomas Gullickson has served as Apostolic Nuncio to Switzerland and Liechtenstein since 2015. On December 10, 2017, His Excellency wrote a post on his blog entitled “Older and Better”, in which he reflects upon his three recent experiences celebrating Pontifical Tridentine Masses. A few excerpts:“…the Tradition, or should I say the Blessed Mother has won my heart in most delicate fashion… the Vetus Ordo is how a bishop is meant to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass… in the Vetus Ordo, the liturgy, with Christ the High Priest, Mary with all the angels and saints, carries me in most attentive fashion and challenges me to allow myself to be changed, transformed, really made over to Christ Jesus…. Bishops, do yourself and the Church a favor by accepting the invitation should it come your way and doing your little, old part to let this great icon shine forth from the heart of Christ's Church!”Hopefully more bishops will be inspired to offer the Traditional Mass as time goes by. His Excellency’s full post may be read at: https://admontemmyrrhae.blogspot.com/2017/12/older-and-better.html?spref=tw
Blessing of Throats Next Week
Blessing of Throats for the Feast of St. Blase [Feast Day: February 3] will be held next Friday, February 2 after the 7:00 PM Mass at Old St. Mary’s, and on Sunday, February 4 after the 9:45 AM Mass at the OCLMA/Academy of the Sacred Heart and after the 2:00 PM Mass at Holy Name of Mary.
Tridentine Masses This Coming Week
- Mon. 01/29 7:00 PM: Solemn High Mass at St. Joseph (St. Francis de Sales, Bishop, Confessor, & Doctor) Orchestral Mass: César Franck’s Solemn Mass in A [No Mass at St. Josaphat this week]
- Tue. 01/30 7:00 PM: Low Mass at Holy Name of Mary, Windsor (St. Martina, Virgin & Martyr)
- Fri. 02/02 7:00 PM: High Mass at Old St. Mary (Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary) – Blessing of Candles and procession at the beginning of Mass. The St. Benedict Choir will sing Palestrina’s Missa Ætérna Christi Múnera. Devotions to the Sacred Heart precede Mass, and Blessing of Throats after Mass. A reception follows in the parish hall.
- Fri. 02/02 7:00 PM: Solemn High Mass at St. Joseph (Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary) – Blessing of Candles and procession. Music by the Archdiocese of Detroit Chorus.
- Sat. 02/03 8:30 AM: Low Mass at Miles Christi (St. Blase, Bishop & Martyr)