[Last Sunday was] a major day for our fellow Catholics who follow the Ordinary Form of Holy Mass, as the new English translation of Mass is now mandated. Much has been debated about this translation, but in the end, it is an undeniably significant step forward in restoring sacral language to the Liturgy. The Confíteor, Glória, and Credo, among other parts, are more faithful to the original Latin text, which itself displays continuity with the Extraordinary Form. New Altar Missals place an emphasis on chanting parts of the Ordinary of the Mass, while the GIRM (rubrics) of the missal recommends use of the Proper Antiphons, until now rarely heard in the Ordinary Form. Those Catholics who attend the Tridentine Mass should find the new texts and rubrics closer to their preferences, while Catholics who normally attend the Ordinary Form will become more accustomed to the style of language which is used in the Extraordinary Form.[Comments? Please e-mail tridnews@stjosaphatchurch.org. Previous columns are available at www.stjosaphatchurch.org. This edition of Tridentine Community News, with minor editions, is from the St. Josaphat bulletin insert for November 27, 2011. Hat tip to A.B.]
Recommended Books for Traditional Catholics
Over the years, this column has made mention of many books that might interest those who attend the Extraordinary Form. As Christmas approaches, it seemed beneficial to round up a list of books which might make good gifts. This list is purely subjective and represents the opinion of no one but this writer. Most of these books are issued by a small set of publishers; perhaps that is a comment on their good skills in creating or reprinting some excellent titles. Space prevents us from providing publishers’ and retailers’ addresses; please Google the names of the books in order to find vendors.
Hand Missals for the Extraordinary Form
A wide variety of hand missals are available. Of those which are in print, the Baronius Press Daily Missal 1962and the Angelus Press 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal
are the most up-to-date, with the former carrying an Imprimátur. Be sure to get the latest editions, which correct typos present in earlier editions. Also worth considering is the Marian Daily Missal,
the most typographically accurate hand missal produced, and one filled with numerous devotional prayers: the 1958 edition has been reprinted by Loreto Publications.
General Prayer Books
Fr. Lasance’s Blessed Sacrament Prayerbook(Loreto Publications) is the most comprehensive traditional prayer book currently in print.
The 2006 Manual of Indulgences(USCCB Publishing), and the Latin book from which it was derived, the 2004 Enchirídion Indulgentiárum (www.paxbook.com), are the currently in-force lists of Indulgenced prayers and works. It cannot be overstated how important it is for Catholics to know about the opportunities for grace found in these acts.
The Purgatorian Manual(Loreto Publications) is a compact 300 page handbook featuring extensive devotions to the Holy Souls. The similar but thinner Novena for the Relief of the Poor Souls in Purgatory
is available from JMJ Religious Books for only $1.25 [more at Amazon].
Holy Hour of Reparation(CMJ Books) can be used for public or private prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
The Divine Office and Little Offices
After several years of delays, Baronius Press is now promising that their long-awaited Latin-English Breviary will ship before Christmas. No other 1961 Breviary in print is as comprehensive as this edition, though the particular English translation used does not employ the hierarchical English typically found in hand missals.
Baronius’ 2011 (third) edition of The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Maryis the most accurate rendition of the traditional version of this relatively brief Indulgenced Little Office.
The Little Office of the Immaculate Conception (with Explanation) (www.miqcenter.com) is a pocket-sized, inexpensive, very brief Indulgenced Office.
Spiritual Reading
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis is a classic. Few books condense as much common-sense spirituality into as few sentences as this one. Each chapter, though short, provides a tremendous amount of food for thought; this book is not meant for quick skimming. Two good editions exist: The hardcover edition from Catholic Book Publishingis a small and durable, modern but orthodox translation, while the hardcover and paperback editions from Baronius Press
are larger and employ Bishop Challoner’s more traditional translation.
True Devotion to Marya.k.a. True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin by St. Louis de Montfort
(Baronius Press) and My Daily Bread
(Confraternity of the Precious Blood) are similarly meaty reading.
Hand Missal for the Ordinary Form
Readers seeking an updated hand missal for the Ordinary Form of Holy Mass need look no further than Midwest Theological Forum. Their Latin/English Daily Roman Missalis now out in a seventh edition incorporating the new English translations. A variety of cover styles and colors are available. This book is ideal for use at the various Novus Ordo Latin Masses celebrated around the Archdiocese of Detroit.
Tridentine Masses This Coming Week
Mon. 11/28 7:00 PM: Low Mass at St. Josaphat (Feria of Advent)
Tue. 11/29 7:00 PM: Low Mass at Assumption-Windsor (Feria of Advent)
Wed. 11/30 7:00 PM: High Mass at St. Josaphat (St. Andrew, Apostle)
Sun. 12/04 1:00 PM: High Mass at Rosary Chapel at Assumption-Windsor [Special time this Sunday only]
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
New Ordinary Form Translation Debuts
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