"I will go in unto the Altar of God
To God, Who giveth joy to my youth"
Tridentine Community News by Alex Begin (August 4, 2019):

August 4, 2019 – Eighth Sunday After Pentecost
Extraordinary Faith Episode 22 – Pittsburgh Part 2 of 2 to Debut on EWTN on Saturday, August 10
EWTN premieres another new episode of Extraordinary Faith this week: Next Saturday, August 10, at 4:30 AM U.S. Eastern time, EWTN will debut Episode 22 – Pittsburgh Part 2 of 2.
For many years the largest Traditional Mass Community in the United States was Pittsburgh’s St. John XXIII Parish. With over 1,000 faithful attending Mass on Sunday, the group traced much of its success to a creative advertising campaign in the 1990s, involving radio ads, billboards, and signs on the sides of city buses. One of the organizers of that ad campaign, Bill Redic, tells us the history and thinking behind this creative use of publicity. Bill also tells us about the altar server training tape produced by the community that became known for its uniquely Pittsburgh-ian pronunciation of the Latin responses.
Pastor at the time of filming Fr. James Dolan provides more background on the St. John XXIII Parish and its then home, historic St. Boniface Church. Located on a hillside near downtown, St. Boniface was once threatened with demolition because of freeway construction but managed to survive.
A hidden gem in Pittsburgh, St. Anthony’s Chapel contains one of the largest collections of relics of Saints outside of Rome. Chapel docent Carole Brueckner gives us a tour and explains how the institution grew out of one priest’s personal collection of relics.
Previous pastor of St. John XXIII Fr. Kenneth Myers is well known for a talk he presents, A New Look at the Old Mass. As part of our ongoing series in which priests explain the Extraordinary Form, Fr. Myers shares his experience with what makes the Traditional Mass appealing and different.
Tridentine Masses This Coming Week
- Tue. 08/06 7:00 PM: High Mass at Holy Name of Mary, Windsor (Transfiguration of Our Lord)
- Sat. 08/10: No Mass at Miles Christi