Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A liturgical catechesis: Benedict instructs by example

Sandro Magister, "From Vienna, a Lesson on How to Sing the Mass" (www.chiesa, September 12, 2007), writes: "Haydn's polyphony and the Gregorian antiphons of the ancient missal accompanied the papal liturgy in the Austrian capital, all of which was celebrated with 'the gaze fixed upon God.' A model for Catholic Masses in the Latin rite all over the world." A post worth reading. An excerpt:
ROMA, September 12, 2007 – Among the many things Benedict XVI said and did during his early September visits to Loreto and Austria, there are two that distinguish his pontificate in an unmistakable way.

Both have to do with the Church's visibility, with its ability to communicate: and not about itself, but about "the things that are above."

In Loreto, at the vigil on Saturday, September 1, the pope demonstrated how he intends to make himself visible and audible to the world, and in particular to the world of the young.

In Austria, with the Mass in the cathedral of Vienna on Sunday, September 9, Benedict XVI made it clear how he wants the Church to appear to men at the moment when it is most recognizable, the celebration of the Eucharist.

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