Saturday, January 09, 2016

Urgent prayer request

A very good family friend, named Julia, who has suffered all her life from a degenerative bone disease, is scheduled to have yet another surgery in a few days (she has had numerous surgeries throughout her life).  The bones in her neck and back have developed sharp spurs where they have broken, which make turning her head or turning over while sleeping excruciating.  She says the pain is so overwhelming she literally feels like she is dying.

Please pray for Julia.  She is a wonderful, strong woman, who trusts completely in our heavenly Father; but she has suffered immensely.  She also has had a stroke that left part of her face paralyzed. Even so, she has a beautiful disposition and often endeavors to find humor in her sad situation.  Lord Jesus, please have mercy on Julia and bring her relief -- a relief that now appears to be nearly beyond the possibility of medical science.