Sunday, January 10, 2016

Answer to prayer

Last October I solicited prayer for a fellow parishioner named Mike who had undergone a heart transplant operation in July of last year (see "Prayer requests," Musings, October 1, 2015). At the time, Mike was battling infection from a respiratory virus that pushed his condition back to the critical brink where some worried we might lose him.

Thanks to your prayers, and those of many others, I am happy to announce that Mike has sufficiently recovered to return home this week and has been reunited with his long-suffering wife. Upwards of half-a-year is a long time to spend on your back in a hospital. Mike's muscles were so atrophied that it took months just for him to be able to hold a book in his hands, much less get out of bed and stand.

Please stop to offer a word of thanksgiving to God for answered prayer. I'm sure he and his wife couldn't be happier than to be reunited at home again. And, thank you, again, for your intercessions.

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