Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Surgeon Gen. Koop: Kagan misled congress

Former Surgeon General, C. Everett Koop, MD, issued a strongly-worded statement today condemning as "unethical, and disgraceful" misrepresentations by Supreme Court Nominee Elana Kagan, not only of science but of her role, in front of elected representatives in the US Senate. In part, Koop's statement reads:
The problem for me, as a physician, is that she was willing to replace a medical statement with a political statement that was not supported by any existing medical data. During the partial-birth abortion debate in the 1990s, medical evidence was of paramount importance.

Ms. Kagan's amendment to the ACOG Policy Statement--that partial-birth abortion "may be the best or most appropriate procedure in a particular circumstance to save the life or preserve the health of a woman"--had no basis in published medical studies or data. No published medical data supported her amendment in 1997, and none supports it today.

... She misrepresented not only the science but also misrepresented her role in front of your elected representatives in the United States Senate.

This is unethical, and it is disgraceful, especially for one who would be tasked with being a measured and fair-minded judge.

... I ask that Senators and the American people give this report their most serious consideration. I urge the Senate to reject the politization of medical science and vote no on the Kagan nomination.

1 comment:

  1. a lot of folks think this is about Abortion. It is not.
    The technique in partial birth abortion is dangerous, because there is danger of a torn cervix (resulting in hemorrhage and incompetent cervix in the future, which results in miscarriage of later pregnancies) but more seriously, it can result in a perforated uterus, needing an emergency hysterectomy and which if not recognized can be fatal.

    We didn't even use this technique in Africa for dead babies, because caesarian section or even symphisiotomy and extraction were safer for the mom.

    The ACOG knows this as well as I do, but changed their policy for political, not medical reasons, and that is a major scandal.

    There are safer ways to kill your kid if you want a late abortion, but once in awhile you end up with a live kid, hence the need for "partial birth abortions".
