Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Four priests' exorcism at abortuary sees results

"God’s Power Working Through His Priests" (Pro-Life Corner, July 16, 2010):
Rockford, IL July 16, 2010 - Before the Northern Illinois Women's Center opened on Friday morning to end the lives of children in the womb,four Catholic Priests firmly stationed themselves at all four corners around the abortion mill and began praying the powerful prayers of the Church found in Fr. Thomas Euteneuer's book Exorcism and the Church Militant.

... Almost immediately upon the Priests' beginning their prayers in unison, the landlord of the abortion business came out of the building like a shot.
He wandered back and forth around the parking lot. Then he roamed the sidewalks, calling the Priests and pro-lifers names.

... Then it began. One mother who was bitterly weeping when she entered the mill parking lot had a change of heart and left with her baby alive and well. When a sidewalk counselor showed her a picture of a child in the womb about her baby's age, her tears turned to joy.

Another mother was picked up by a friend before the abortionist arrived, and the young woman driver shouted out to all the pro-lifers,
"She didn't do it!" The young mother was offered a baby shower.
[Hat tip to RealCatholicTV.com]


  1. Anonymous7:52 PM

    I am speechless with joy.


  2. Sheldon12:25 AM

    Amen to that.
