Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Political rant

Our political correspondent in the nation's capital was supposed to interview the First Lady this morning, but completely flipped out when, on the way to the interview in his limo, he read the following paragraph (originally from Newsweek) -- here linked under Ed Morrissey's title, "The CEO problem" (Hot Air, July 5, 2010).

He introduced the excerpted quote with the following text from his overheated iphone:
Intelligent business people supported Obama because despite their business sense, they have bought into the social ideology he represents. Even if, by all objective accounts his fiscal policy is awful, which ought to give caution about his other policies, they still "like" him.

It is like having a kid who still likes friends who obviously are bad for him or her. There is no getting through to him then. It is an amazing case of self-delusion.
The paragraph in question reads as follows with our Correspondent's commentary in, of course, RED:
Most of the business leaders I spoke to had voted for Barack Obama. They still admire him. Those who had met him thought he was unusually smart. {Why is that comment repeated so unendingly? I cannot think of another politician of whom the phrase is so often repeated? Is there some grounds for the 'unusual,' or is it Emperor's New Clothes?} But all think he is, at his core, anti-business. When I asked for specifics, they pointed to the fact that Obama has no business executives in his Cabinet, that he rarely consults with CEOs (except for photo ops), that he has almost no private-sector experience, that he’s made clear he thinks government and nonprofit work are superior to the private sector. It all added up to a profound sense of distrust.{aaaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!}
[Hat tip to J.M.]

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