Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Kreeft on feminism

Marvin Olasky, interviewing Peter Kreeft in "Dangerous Waves" (World magazine, July 17, 2010), asks How do you define feminism?, and Kreeft answers:
The heresy that women and men are not fundamentally different and that women ought to be as much like men as possible, especially as selfish and aggressive as possible. The two most ridiculous errors about men and women are unisexism and male chauvinism. The unisex feminist says that women and men are not different in value, therefore they're not different in nature. The male chauvinist says that men and women are different in nature, therefore they're different in value.
[Hat tip to J.M.]


  1. He forgot to mention female chauvinism. It does exist, and I've encountered people who are afflicted with it. In it's "purest" form, it leads to and celebrates man-less lesbianism.

  2. Anonymous2:07 PM

    The way I look at it - we are equal in value but made of different components. Just like men might be 2+2 = 4, women might be 1+3 = 4. Same overall value.

  3. Equality of worth never meant identity of role or nature.
