Monday, April 09, 2012

Prayer request

... for my stepmother, Elsie, who slipped away from this earthy life quietly on Easter morning. How could she have timed her departure better! My sister in Seattle and I both sent her flowers on her birthday, on Good Friday, and her nephew told us that she smiled in recognition. She had just turned 90.

Thus she follows into eternity the path tread by my father four years ago, who died at age 91. I solicit your prayers for the repose of her soul.


  1. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I'm so to learn of your loss.

    I will be going to Church today and will be offering prayers for your step mother.


  2. May eternal light shine upon her and may God grant her eternal peace.

    My father just passed away in March, and I miss him terribly, but I also pray for the repose of his soul.
