Friday, April 13, 2012

For the record: future scenarios for Rome/SSPX

  • Côme de Prévigny, "Victory tomorrow?" (Rorate Caeli, April 12, 2102): "Sooner or later, both lines will meet," but beware of the illusions (1) that "regularization will ... transform those resolutely opposed to the Motu Proprio and to the Tridentine Catechism" with the "unrolling of red carpets"; and (2) that "all conservative forces will unite [without friction] in order to transform the world."

  • "For the record: La Croix [Updated]" (Rorate Caeli, April 12, 2012): "What are the possible scenarios? ... What is the current mood [both in the fraternity and in the dioceses]?" "Questioned Thursday, April 12, by La Croix, Fr. Alain Lorans, spokesman of the SSPX, said that "Bp. Fellay will not speak on this matter (note: the letter sent to Rome) before the Holy See's response is known", leaving to Rome the responsibility for the publication of the final decision." If the Society signs the agreement [and who says that all of the SSPX bishops would sign?], the Holy See must, before erecting a personal prelature [a canonical framework for the Society], first consult "the concerned episcopal conferences," noted for their opposition. If they don't sign, "it will be necessary to explain why not and, in such case, their refusal will involve doctrinal questions."

  • "Le Figaro: Rome and Écône on the verge of reaching an agreement" (Rorate Caeli, April 13, 2012): " The signing of a document establishing the relations between the Holy See and the disciples of Abp. Lefebvre is a matter of days.... It is thus that the final response of Bp. Fellay, very well pondered and well prepared, should settle - this time, for good - a very delicate negotiation which was relaunched by Benedict XVI following his election, in 2005."

  • "... John Lamont shows that reconciliation is possible" (www.chiesa, April 13, 2012) [See the whole text directly here: "A Theologian's Questions" (Musings, April 15, 2012)

  • "SSPX German District on media reports" (Rorate Caeli, April 15, 2012) -- in other words: "neither the [SSPX] General House in Menzingen [Switzerland] nor Rome have yet delivered a statement" and the Superior General solicits prayer for the intention of God's will and Kingdom.

  • "For the record - Tornielli: Fellay's reserved message" (Rorate Caeli, April 16, 2012)

  • Fr. Z, "SSPX options and the Pope of Christian Unity" (WDTPRS, April 16, 2012).

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