Saturday, July 09, 2011

Resource on Biblical inspiration & inerrancy

A reader recently sent me the link to the latest issue [PDF] of Veritas Scripturae, which some may find a useful resource.

Also check this list the PDF-based Bulletins of the St. Jerome Biblical Guild.

[Hat tip to J.M.]


  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Link doesn't work.

  2. Odd. Try it again. I just checked it, and it worked fine.

  3. The link doesn't work for me either. It just takes me to Google Mail and attempts to get me to sign up for a gmail account.

  4. Okay, I found the problem. It's fixed now, and I've also added a non-PDF link to a web page listing the linked Bulletins of the St. Jerome Biblical Guild. Sorry for the earlier inconvenience, and thanks for persisting in pointing out the problem with the link. Appreciate the opportunity to get it right.
