Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Pray for renewal of faith in Cuba

An influential acquaintance and friend recently made a second trip with her husband to Cuba. She writes:
The Cuban people are among the most resourceful, determined, resilient and passionate folk I’ve encountered. You would know that following the extended suppression of religious practice, spiritual apathy is widespread and pervasive. For a large portion of the younger generation, true religiosity is something associated with a by-gone age and tangible connection with Catholicism is essentially cultural. Crucifixes are worn, but prayers are not part of the mix.

I was surprised and delighted to learn that there is an effort to establish Traditional Latin Mass [TLM] in Matanzas, a city east of Havana. An oratory was devised and the TLM [has] begun to gain supporters. Currently, Una Voce Cuba is the project of a gentleman in Dallas, Albert Doskey, whose mother was Cuban. He lived with his mother’s parents over some 9 years, no doubt developing a taste for cafécita as well as a sense of Cuba. I’ve shared some correspondence with him (and personally contributed to a GoFundMe campaign for UVC).

The Remnant posted about UVC, and I shared the information with local TLM followers.

Truth and beauty do persist, one thinks, and certainly both are joined in the usus antiquior.
So pray for Cuba and the people of Cuba -- both practicing and prospective practicing Catholics. They've been through a spiritual desert, and they need the solid resources offered by Sacred Tradition rather than the commercialized erzatz peddled by alternative religionists.

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