Sunday, October 16, 2016

How Amoris Laetitia is balkanizing the Church

Sandro Magister, "In Rome Yes, In Florence No. Here's How 'Amoris Laetitia' Is Dividing the Church" (www.chieza, October 14, 2016): "In the pope’s diocese, the divorced and remarried can receive communion, in other Italian dioceses no. Because every bishop is deciding as he wishes. A manual by Cardinal Antonelli for confessors who want to remain faithful to perennial doctrine."

Meanwhile Cardinal-designate Kevin Farrell says that "Amoris Laetitia is 'the Holy Spirit speaking'" (National Catholic Reporter, October 14, 2016). Go figure.


  1. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Of course.

    This result is one of SATAN's intentions, you know, the guy who Jorge Bergoglio REALLY serves.

    No surprises to me.


  2. Anonymous10:41 AM

    "I said to the Holy Father, 'Look, why did you pick me?'" he said, speaking of a recent audience with Francis. "He just smiled."

    Gag reflex. This stuff reflects the sophomoric maturity of our leadership fraternity. He mentions Francis umpteen times.

    I wonder, does he think the Syllabus of Errors was inspired too? He might as well be a liberal in the LDS fold: "When are prophets speak, the thinking has been done." Blacks can't hold the priesthood....Sure they can! Don't you just love the Church.
