Sunday, June 12, 2016

Guest editorial: Fiat continuity and the case of Papa Ratzinger

[Advisory: Rules ##7-9]: 
Guest editorial by Joseph Martin:
The man behind Catholicam is hitting nails squarely on the head [here]. And in the process diminishing the bling generated by some venerated church figures. He clarifies even as he depresses. Can Catholics be Catholics without cult-colored glasses? A rude and impenitent comment, or a troubling question?

First there was this, diagnosing all of Postconciliarism in one paragraph:

You can't create continuity just by saying it exists. You can't tell us the traditional teaching is untouched when the context of the words seems to suggest otherwise - and if we are wrong, then please explain how. Please explain how things are not in discontinuity. You cannot create continuity by fiat decree. You cannot substitute a phantasm for substance.
Now there is his newer item on Ganswein's presentation. Extremely helpful, as it underscores what James Larson has been saying: Benedict XVI may be a 'friend' of Tradition, but he is not actually a consistent exponent of it. I recall visiting a small, growing Catholic college that prides itself on its orthodoxy: all the theology guys had all the Ignatius Press Ratzinger books lining their shelves. Using an analogy I've invoked elsewhere, I felt sort of like I was in Salt Lake City listening the LDS hype the Mormon prophet. "Truth and Tolerance" or "Teachings of Thomas S. Monsoon" ... Take your pick: both are written by "general authorities" that followers refer back to with a lavish-sort of deference. Even the wanting-to-sound-sane Fr. Z goes out of his way to fall back on lengthy quotes of from the newest "living prophets" JPII, Benedict, and of course now Francis.
Catholicism has become a pope or pope-as-prophet movement, with the unique problem of having popes that  hardly seem too keen on Catholicism. Ganswein always was appealing as a masculine priest who seemed no nonsense. Now we have this turn which seems more George Clooney, and makes him seem like some power politics sell-out or Stockholm Syndrome victim, simply because what he is saying is such obvious, transparently novel and forced two-headed bunk. He and Benedict both are contributing to a legacy's epic fail. That sounds extreme, but Francis is the purposeful fruit of Benedict XVI's exit strategy, for heaven's sake!

In a highly out-of-character move, George Weigel just weighed in over at Catholic World Report with a sweeping verdict that the Archbishop and Ratzinger-right-hand-man is plain wrong. "There aren't 'two popes' in any way, shape, or form," he declares authoritatively.

But of course Ganswein is a papal insider, and Weigel cites no sources, so he becomes a man of the Council sawing off the branch he has been sitting on. "It's a Ford or Toyota. You're either baptized or you're not," he analogies. But what about the salvation of pagans, baptism of desire, and blah blah blah? Suddenly postconciliar theologies aren't self-justifying? You mean Garrigou-Lagrange might not have been quite the stuff he was later painted to be, and DeLubac might have been as fanciful as certain Georges?

Still, most conservatives line up behind Ratzinger like he is the noble equivalent of the liberals' Obama. Um, no, he's not. I like Benedict XVI too, like I liked Mark Hatfield or Norman Vincent Peale. Nice, well-intentioned man, godly, and sympathetic to conservatives. But consistently conservative at the flash points? Not necessarily so. Again quoting Catholicam [brackets and bolding added]:
This is one issue Traditionalists need to get over: Benedict XVI is not the 'traditional' pope as opposed to Bergoglio the progressive pope. [I add: just read his Principles of Theology or Introduction to Christianity!! The fact these are never, ever addressed with an questioning is a huge indictment of the 'sheeple cloak' that remains cast over conservative Catholic theology]. Benedict had a certain nostalgia for the traditional liturgy (and in my opinion it was nothing more than nostalgia), but he was a theological progressive in many ways. And with his abdication the "traditional" Pope Benedict perpetrated the greatest novelty of the modern papacy.

Anyone who has really studied the writings of Joseph Ratzinger knows that much of his theology is severely problematic. In fact, it is easier to find objectively heretical statements in the writings of Ratzinger than it is in John Paul II.
Ed. - Yet discussions continue to abound suggesting the theme of continued 'renewal' in the Church: The Franciscan Institute for Ecclesial Renewal and The Henkel's Family Foundation are sponsoring a "Symposium on Pope Francis's Vision for the Renewal of the Church" at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Nov. 10-12, 2016.


  1. In his devastating critique of Vatican Two. "The Ecumenical Vatican Council II A MUCH NEEDED DISCUSSION the great Thomist, Brunero Gherardini, summaries (for ABS anyways) the entire critique on page 297 in the text of his appeal to the Holy Father (Then Ratzinger) seems to me me that it is urgent that you offer some clarity by responding in an authoritative manner to the question about the Council's continuity with the other Councils - not with declamation, but demonstration- and about it's fidelity to the ever vigorous Tradition of the Church.

    And, of course, there was no response and for a good reason - there is not continuity as can easily be seen in a myriad of examples.

    Look, here is just one - Lumen Gentium teaches that salvation and sanctification can be attained to in heretical faiths #15 ..his sanctifying power is active in them... #16...Those who through no fault of there own do not know the Gospel of Christ if is church....those too may achieve eternal salvation

    PFFFT Balderdash

    ABS was learnt a prayer for conversions - a prayer approved for an Indulgence by Pope Pius IX and it appears in The Raccolta as originally published by the Benzinger Brothers in 1957; ABS has the December 2010 second reprint of it produced by Loreto Publications and in that text, the orthodox prayer begins on page 499

    O Mary, Mother of mercy and Refuge of sinners, we beseech thee, be pleased to look with pitiful eyes upon poor heretics and schismatics. Thou who art the Seat of Wisdom, enlighten the minds that are miserably enfolded in the darkness of ignorance and sin, that they may clearly know that the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church is the one true Church of Jesus Christ, outside of which neither holiness nor salvation can be found. Finish the work of their conversion by obtaining for them the grace to accept all the truths of our Holy Faith, and to submit themselves to the supreme Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth; that so, being united with us in the sweet chains of divine charity, there may soon be only one fold under the same one shepherd; and may we all, O glorious Virgin, sing forever with exultation: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary, thou only hast destroyed all heresies in the whole world. Amen.

    (Hail Mary, three times. An Indulgence of 500 days (S.C. Prop. of the Faith., Dec. 30, 1868; S.P. Ap., March 18, 1936, and June 10, 1949)

    ABS hasn't looked in the "revised" Raccolta but it likely was silently killed because it is orthodox and opposed to Ecumenism, that indifferent anthropocentric baptismal pool, into which Tradition was repeatedly plunged and submerged in 1962-1965 and which action produced a dead water-logged corpus of novelty to which we are putatively bound to worship as the Catholic enlightenment.

    More and more men are being awakened to the riotous result of the rupture from Tradition defended by declarations of continuity as events get more and more out of control because Franciscus who has gotten SO bad than even Dr Jeff Mirius is going public with his criticisms of Franciscus who, in addition to being the biggest recruiter for sedevacantism, has even unsettled the heretofore implacable and immovable papolatrists.


  2. ABS just checked the new Raccolta (of COURSE it has a new name) and, of COURSE, that beautiful prayer that had multiple grants of an Indulgence, has been blowed-up.

    See #44 and compare it to the prayers for conversion ABS earlier posted. This is a painfully obvious example of a cataclysmic rupture in Doctrine and Prayer but if you find the truth upsetting, just memorise the modernist mantra and pray it continuously: ecumenism continuity dignity of man springtime pentecost civilisation of love humility

  3. When you're right you're right.

    The great Clarification, or Simplification, or Sifting, whatever, is here.

    The entire post-Conciliar regime has to go, in all its particulars, for whatever can be read in continuity with the tradition of the Church has already been said better by earlier manifestations of that tradition, while there is so much novel that just ruins any attempt at a consistently Catholic reading.

    The new Mass, the new sacramental rituals, the whole rotten theology-- and all of the hierarchs who hold to them-- they all have to go.


  4. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Could someone please post three "objectively heretical" statements in the writings of Ratzinger? I would be glad for the education.

  5. We must strip from our Catholic prayers and from the Catholic liturgy everything which can be the shadow of a stumbling block for our separated brethren that is for the Protestants.(Annibale Bugnini, L'Osservatore Romano, March 19, 1965.)

    And what are/were those stumbling blocks? Divine Revelation/Immutable Dogmatic Truths as mediated via the One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church.

    The former purposes of the Sacrifice of the Mass/The Holocaust; ( summarised in the old nemonic acronym, PARTs Petition, Adoration, Reparation, Thanksgiving) had the modernist sacramental of defenestration applied to it because the modernists no longer had a theocentric orientation but rather, an anthropocentric orientation and they were concerned with tearing down the One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church so it would be on the same level as the communities of heretics they so admire/d.

    To get some idea of just how evil and insane this is, just imagine dishonoring your Mother, dressing her up like a whore, and claiming you disfigured her so she would not be a reproach to the sluts in the red light district.

    There is/was absolutely no justification for their evil destruction but we lay men have been told to find love amongst their ruins for the changes in the Mass/Sacraments/Theology/Praxis has all been the work of The Holy Ghost who is now inspiring the putative Pope to prepare to celebrate the protestant revolution in Lund, Sweden where he will bow down and be blessed by a lesbian bishop who is married to a really fat and ugly lesbian bishop and these two public perverts have a child.

    Yes, our putative pope is being led by the Holy Ghost and if you do not believe that then you are a pharisee.

  6. Anonymous9:00 PM

    You think. I doubt it.

    See this encouraging note:

    And then this one:

    They give, and they take, and say yes when the mean no and vice versa.

  7. Dear David.

  8. David Young: The heretical ideas of Ratzinger are not one liners, but entire approaches.See James Larson. His diagnoses are awfully hard to protest.

  9. Jerry Colonna1:21 PM

    Crap with pie crust:

    - Ratzinger was never a traditionalist anything, unless perhaps a nemesis. The fact that he schmoozed Michael Davies into thinking that he was "his man" in the cardinalate doesn't erase that. It only proves the gullibility of trads. Summorum Pontificum, in view of the utter lack of follow-up, seems in retrospect to have been a means of "buying them off until they die off," rather than a significant change of direction. Still, trads do owe him thanks for giving them a slim means of escaping the huggy huggy horrors of even "properly celebrated" novus ordo call-to-meetings.

    - The idea of a co-papacy as the way of the future is bizarre. I can see Ratzinger pushing for it, but no one else. Especially considering a hundred years of ultra-montanism and the utter politicization of the Church along the lines of Vito Corleone, I can't see Pope Helterskelter sharing the power -- can you???? These goombahs -- are you nuts??!! The only hat I can see Ratzinger wearing at this point is a cap and bells, and that is one chapeau he richly deserves.

  10. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Syllabus for 2016-2017 shows that knowing an 'official irrationality' is obligatory for those who want to study theology at the Salesian university in Rome

    The theology taught at the Salesian university of Don Bosco in Rome will be based on Cushingism and the Magisterial Heresy, which is being enforced politically on the Catholic Church by the Left.

    The Bibliography and Course of Study show that students will have to reject Feeneyism as a theology. So they will not be allowed to interpret the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with Feeneyism and neither will they be allowed to interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism. So the ecclesiology at the time of Don Bosco, is no more acceptable since Cushingism is the politically acceptable theology.It is philosophically based on an irrational premise.

    Catholic students cannot object and say that hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire etc cannot be explicit exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus or the interpretation of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1995).Instead they must interpret all these magisterial documents with an irrational premise and conclusion, so that they emerge as a break with the understanding of the Church according to Don Bosco.

    The Syllabus for 2016-2017 show that knowing an 'official irrationality' is obligatory for those who want to study theology at the Salesian university in Rome.Without the Magisterial Heresy, enforced by the contemporary magisterium; supported by the two popes, students will not be allowed to express the Catholic Deposit of Faith.-Lionel Andrades

    Università Pontificia Salesiana

    FACOLTÁ di TEOLOGIA - Informazioni Generali

    Calendario delle Lezioni

    TA1260. Ecclesiologia

    (5 ECTS - 3 crediti nel II semestre)

    Prima parte – Ecclesiologia: Considerazione teologico-fondamentale preliminare. Approccio storico-teologico: 1. Gesù di Nazareth e la convocazione dei discepoli; 2. Il cammino della Chiesa nella storia; 3. Il Concilio Vaticano II.

    Seconda parte - Approccio teologico-sistematico, Essenza -Realtà - Missione della Chiesa: 4. Il servizio fondamentale della Chiesa all’umanità: la salvezza; 5. La Chiesa popolo di Dio; 6. La Chiesa, Corpo di Cristo; 7. La Chiesa, Tempio dello Spirito; 8. La Chiesa comunione; 9. Proprietà della Chiesa: unità, santità, cattolicità e apostolicità; 10. La missione dei laici; 11. I ministeri al servizio della comunione.
    Terza parte - Approccio
    prassico: 12. Chiesa, cultura e educazione; 13. La nuova evangelizzazione:Definizione, contestualizzazione e approfondimento teologico-pastorale; 14.Quale immagine di Chiesa si evince dai media? 15. Media e tematichereligiose; 16. I media nella missione della Chiesa; 17. L’animatore dellacomunicazione e della cultura.

  11. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Blogger David Young said...
    Could someone please post three "objectively heretical" statements in the writings of Ratzinger? I would be glad for the education.

    Objectively heretical writings of Pope Benedict XVI ?

  12. Anonymous3:35 PM

    JM said...
    David Young: The heretical ideas of Ratzinger are not one liners, but entire approaches.See James Larson. His diagnoses are awfully hard to protest.

    Pope Benedict changed 'the rule of faith' : lex credendi of the Traditional Latin Mass was suppressed

  13. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Amateur Brain Surgeon said...
    In his devastating critique of Vatican Two. "The Ecumenical Vatican Council II A MUCH NEEDED DISCUSSION the great Thomist, Brunero Gherardini, summaries (for ABS anyways) the entire critique on page 297 in the text of his appeal to the Holy Father (Then Ratzinger) seems to me me that it is urgent that you offer some clarity by responding in an authoritative manner to the question about the Council's continuity with the other Councils - not with declamation, but demonstration- and about it's fidelity to the ever vigorous Tradition of the Church.

    And, of course, there was no response and for a good reason - there is not continuity as can easily be seen in a myriad of examples.

    Look, here is just one - Lumen Gentium teaches that salvation and sanctification can be attained to in heretical faiths #15 ..his sanctifying power is active in them... #16...Those who through no fault of there own do not know the Gospel of Christ if is church....those too may achieve eternal salvation...


    Pope Benedict could not show the continuity of the Council with other Councils since he was a Cushingite like Bruno Gherardini
