Sunday, January 24, 2016

Tridentine Masses coming to metro Detroit and east Michigan this week

Tridentine Masses This Coming Week

1 comment:

  1. The Tridentine Mass is not just now coming, thanks to Archbishop Lefebvre, his SSPX and good independent Traditional priests everywhere,(that the the worst pope in the history of the Church barely tolerates), the real Mass has been said there and the world over, all along.
    It is rich irony that the SSPX is just tolerated on this list because the unCatholic Francis has decided to try to reel the SSPX in so they can be finished like the poor Franciscans. And like the FSSP and all who have caved and made a deal, who now are required to say also the Novus Ordo and concelebrate with the N.O. bishop. The FSSP already have put their few grains of incense in the burner to their false god of Modernism. God please save the SSPX from any deal with the Modernist who occupy Rome! Amen.
