Thursday, January 28, 2016

The charity, the comedy, the fantasy

Our underground correspondent from an Atlantic seaboard city that knows how to keep its secrets, Guy Noir - Private Eye, recently called my attention to Stephen Glover's article, "Forgive me, but I find this hysteria a little over the top: STEPHEN GLOVER says the Second Coming would scarcely attract as much attention as Bowie's death" (Daily Mail, January 12, 2016), and commented:
What a terrific piece, even as it charitably identifies the Anglican grand poobah as "over-egging the pudding." Haha!

On reading that I thought, 'It's an unsolicited miracle, really, wrought just for me, that Francis has not waded into with eulogizing humdinger of his own!' So then I googled 'Francis & Bowie,' and laughed again, on discovering that the ever-fizzy KJL had managed to concoct a Francis/Bowie connection to fill any perceived vacuum.
Namely, this: Kathryn Jean Lopez, "Pope Francis and David Bowie: An Unexpected Duet: Great Fantasy is to start over, be born again. The fantasy is real...." (Aleteia, January 15, 2016). Noir muses:
It's all nice, and it's all comical. Which is in the end nice, I guess....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:15 PM

    There is the Vatican's Synod on the Family, there is Pope Francis' fear of unnecessarily offending, and there is this:
