What sort of sign is this? Is this not depressing? Should it not be? That the Superior General of a priestly fraternity whose founder was declared excommunicated, in his "Declaration Concerning the Final Report of the Synod on the Family" (Documentation Information Catholiques Internationales, October 28, 2015), should speak more clearly about the role of the Pope and bishops, marriage and the Catholic family, than the official representatives of the Church in good standing in their Synod's Relazione Finale? Is this not scandalous?
Don't get any mistaken ideas from this. It's more of a lament about the state of the Church than anything. [Advisory: Rules 7-9]
Earlier this year ABS was preparing to go to Europe on vacation and so, in his haste, he drafted Blasé Cupich as a Bishop for his Church (The Atavistic Bavardages) in The Ecclesia Fantasy League and now nobody will trade another Bishop for him, and the Bishop waiver wire is teeming with unknowns (suppose it'd be safe to draft a Byzantine Catholic Bishop?) but now, after reading this, ABS almost wishes he had drafted Fellay but he is no longer available.