Thursday, October 15, 2015

Porn / Theology of the Body

Guy Noir again: "And while the synod worries about communion access, the larger first world families deal with stuff like this. I get why porn may be a lesser problem in third world countries, where poverty reduces cell phone access, but certainly this could use more airing..."
"Bad News, Indeed — Playboy Opened the Floodgates and Now the Culture is Drowning" (, October 14, 2015).
"Of course, there is not too much hope for clarity in the Franciscan era, when a most celebrated [theology-of-the-body] apologist we remember feels no compunction offering such lines as 'I love Hugh Hefner.' A pope could not have said it better, right?
Matt C. Abbott, "Christopher West, Hugh Hefner, and the 'Theology of the Body' controversy" (Renew America, May 9, 2009).

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