Thursday, October 01, 2015


"Papal Post-Synod Document ALREADY being drafted by Jesuit group to allow communion for divorced and other aberrations" (Rorate Caeli, October 1, 2015):
  • The Claim:
    Summary: Italian journalist Marco Tosatti reveals that A SECRET PARALLEL SYNOD has been established in Rome, a cabal composed almost exclusively by Jesuits, with the occasional Argentinian presence (easy to guess who), to draft the necessary post-synodal documents to implement whatever the Pope wants to implement. And they will implement it, no matter what, as the secret committee to draft the Annulment reforms has shown; what everyone supposed was true in fact is true: the Synodal process is a sham.
  • The Reality: Well, we shall see ...


  1. Anonymous1:34 PM

    It is clear that those who build on the Papacy build on sand. But few will even get the message that we have an Apostate on the See of St. Peter now. If he decides to legislate that homosexuals can receive Holy Communion, after a time protests, all conservatives in the end will cave.

  2. Anonymous, I would be careful. You say that those who "build on the Papacy build on sand." But Jesus evidently built on the Papacy, and it wasn't a very stalwart Peter of whom He said: "Thou art ROCK, and on this rock I will build my Church" -- this Peter, who denied Him thrice and was later rebuked by Paul for his hypocrisy.

    Reminds me of the line by Doc Holliday in the film Tombstone where, talking to Wyatt Earp, who just managed to turn away from an invitation to cheat on his wife: "Wyatt, you're an oak." Yeah. Sure. The same woman he later runs off with, saying: "Damn, yeah, I'm an 'oak' alright."

    While I would agree that the Holy Father has made disturbing remarks and done some even more disturbing things, which leave all of us scratching our heads. But there's a huge difference between troubling judgments of [im]prudence and formal heresy, just as there is between material and formal heresy. If you study up on the latter, you'll see just how difficult the matter is to adjudicate, requiring the action of the princes of the Church -- warnings, etc. -- before any such judgment can be made.

    Just a note of caution.

    Of course, if what you suggest came to pass, we would all be in very hot water indeed. In fact, quite apart from the pope, I would say that the Church has been in hot water for some time, due to (far-from-benign) neglect of catechesis and a multitude of bishops behaving like more like sheep than shepherds.
