Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Melinda Gates: 'I'm Living Out My Faith in Action'

Interview by Timothy C. Morgan, "Melinda Gates: ‘I’m Living Out My Faith in Action’" (Christianity Today, June 29, 2015): "One of the wealthiest and most controversial women in the world believes that all lives have equal value. She’s willing to spend $3.6 billion a year to prove her point." Anti-abortion, but pro-contraception ... and interesting.

Guy Noir, our underground correspondent, wrote about this quite interesting interview:
At the end she mentions an extremely popular devotional book penned I think by an ex-L'Abri'er or an author with some claimed influence from there.

But also notice the CT interviewer refuses to actually engage her at all on what her faith means in terms of concepts. Equality of all and good works and a shout out to Pope Francis.

Strange times.

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