Monday, June 22, 2015

Vatican's global warming extremist attempts to deflect criticism

"Vatican’s Newest Global Warming Extremist Calls Critics ‘Vicious Liars’" (Church Militant, June 22, 2015):
ROME, June 22, 2015 (Austin Ruse) - Veteran Vatican reporter Edward Pentin interviewed Hans Schellnhuber about controversies swirling around him and his reputation as one of the more aggressive theorists of global warming. Schellnhuber said reports that he said the Earth has a "carrying capacity of less than 1 billion" are a "complete lie."
But the backpedaling Schellnhuber did say precisely that, as reported by the New York Times -- namely that the carrying capacity of Earth is estimated "at less than 1 billion," which is what Breitbart News and other outlets reported. As the Church Militant article added: " should be noted that radical environmentalists have long proposed what Schellnhuber proposed at Copenhagen, that the carrying capacity of the Earth is 1 billion or less, leaving open the question of what to do with the dangerous excess of six billion."

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