Monday, June 22, 2015

Pope says weapons manufacturers can't call themselves Christian

Philip Pullella, "Pope says weapons manufacturers can't call themselves Christian" (Reuters, June 21, 2015) -- via Janet Smith on FB:
"Well this is wrong. It is wrong to suggest that all manufactures of weapons engender a bit of mistrust. That is judging a large group of people. Elsewhere I read that he suggested those who manufacture weapons don't work as hard for peace because that would cut into the profits. Unfair to many I am sure. [I have edited this piece for accuracy, so not all the comments below will make perfect sense re my post.]"


  1. The Pope mentions the putative holocaust which is no such thing. There is only ONE Holocaust deserving of that designation if language and truth are to exist in reality and the LAST thing one will ever hear is a modern Pope condemning the real Holocaust for there would be hell to pay for doing that and so we Catholics are constrained to hear them, repeatedly, speak about that which superseded the one true real Holocaust.


    Real men know that there is one, and only one, Holocaust and that one Holocaust is the self-sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary where His burning charity substituted for the material fire that were part of all of the Old Testament holocausts (types) that presaged Jesus and prepared His chosen people (previously the Jews, now we Catholics, the New Israel) for the one true Holocaust.

    The war crimes of the Nazis committed against their enemies - Christians, Jews, Sodomites, Gypsies -was not a holocaust because they were not burnt offerings dedicated to God as worship.

    Popes speak about that which superseded the one true Holocaust as if that was the greatest crime ever whereas Deicide is not only the worst crime ever committed, it is the worst crime imaginable. Period.

    Now, it is quite true that for the racial supremacists, the Jews, that which we Catholics have allowed to supersede the one true Holocaust is indeed the worst crime imaginable for them.

    An enemy has cultivated the minds of Our Hierarchy and the fruit being borne is the repeated reference to that which has superseded the one true holocaust and their abject failure to teach their flock about the one true Holocaust.

    Other than that thing are just ducky

  2. RF

    Your theology is questionable to put it mildly.

    >Real men know that there is one, and only one, Holocaust and that one Holocaust is the self-sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary etc

    Your Marcionite theology is amusing as is you ignorance of Judaism…..but the Jews are His chosen people since the covenant hasn’t been revoked and they are destined to embrace the New Covenant also you ignore the NT "What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision? 2Much in every way! First of all, the Jews have been entrusted with the very words of God.
    3What if some were unfaithful? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness? 4Not at all! Let God be true, and every human being a liar.” End Quote

    >The war crimes of the Nazis committed against their enemies - Christians, Jews, Sodomites, Gypsies -was not a holocaust because they were not burnt offerings dedicated to God as worship.

    Except the Jews call it HaShoah which means "the catastrophe” & they prefer that theologically to the term “Holocaust” because their Rabbinic Theology has no concept of their suffering being a sin offering for the world. That would also imply it was good to mass murder them. Indeed many Jewish theologians find the term “Holocaust” offensive for these reasons. Ironically we would need a Catholic perspective to see the suffering of at least Invincibly Ignorant Jewish holocaust victims, who have received extra-ordinary grace, as being of some sarcerdotal value for humanity in a subordinate participatory way in regards to Christ. Much the same way as the blood of the Martyrs or Our Lady’s suffering. Thus we need Catholic Theology to call it a holocaust.

    >Popes speak about that which superseded the one true Holocaust as if that was the greatest crime ever whereas Deicide is not only the worst crime ever committed, it is the worst crime imaginable. Period.

    What Popes have spoken thus? None, rather you are employing some rather silly hyperbole. Yeh actually idolatry is the worst crime according to the Catholic Encylopedia.

    "Considered in itself, idolatry is the greatest of mortal sins.”

    Deicide is an incoherent concept considering the Divine Nature of Our Lord is impassible. Also the Roman Catechism issued after the Council of Trent said this of those jews who cried for Our Lord’s blood ”And it can be seen that our crime in this case is greater in us than in the Jews. As for them, according to the witness of the Apostle, 'None of the rulers of this age understood this; for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.' We, however profess to know him. And when we deny him by our deeds, we in some way seem to lay violent hands on him."

    So your claim here doesn’t line up with Tradition IMHO.

  3. additional:

    >Now, it is quite true that for the racial supremacists, the Jews, that which we Catholics have allowed to supersede the one true Holocaust is indeed the worst crime imaginable for them.

    I don’t really know of any Jews who are “racial supremacists” I have found it to be a bogus charge. It is on the level of saying “Traditionalist Catholics are anti-Semitic conspiracy minded flakes”. It paints with a broad brush and both therefore are prejudicial and unjust. You should know better.

    >An enemy has cultivated the minds of Our Hierarchy and the fruit being borne is the repeated reference to that which has superseded the one true holocaust and their abject failure to teach their flock about the one true Holocaust.

    Holokautein (ὁλοκαυτεῖν) was one of the two chief verbs of Greek sacrifice, in which the victim is utterly destroyed and burnt up, as opposed to thyesthai (θύεσθαι), to share a meal with the god and one's fellow worshippers, commensal sacrifice.

    In Judaism "Korban Olah” or "burnt offering.” is the equivalent of the English term “holocaust” and the Jews don’t speak of themselves suffering that at the hands of the Nazi because that would imply the Nazi where Cohen. Thus the use of the term Shoah.

    It’s not hard.

  4. Dear Son of Ya'kov. What little Raider Fan read of your ignorant response was enough to remind him of why he skips whatever it is you write.

    Marconite theology?

    Were you strapped to a rocket to achieve the height of idiocy you routinely dwell at?

    Our first Pope taught we are the chosen people (it is in all the better Bibles) look it up, Ace.

    Catholics are the New Israel and it is an infallible dogma that Jews can not be saved.

    What DO you think the meaning of Luke 19:27 is?

    Don't bother to answer for my benefit as what you has to say is of no use to me.

    Adios, again.

  5. For Lurkers. Raider Fan has absolutely nothing to say to the irksome Judaiser, Ben of Ya'ko who seems to have learned the truth about Jews over at Patheos rather that The Bible, Tradition, and Ecclesiastical history.

    1st Peter 2:9
    Hebrews 10:9; 8:7-9
    St. John 5:23; 15:23
    I Thessalonians 2:14-16
    I St. John 2:23

    Pope Eugene IV Bull Cantae Domino 1441

    Council of Florence

    The most holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes, and teaches that the Mosaic Law cannot be observed without the loss of eternal salvation. Every one, therefore, who observes circumcision and the Sabbath and the other requirements of the Law, the Church declares not in the least fit to participate in eternal salvation

    Saint Augustine

    Judaism, since Christ, is a corruption; indeed, Judas is the image of the Jewish people: their understanding of Scripture is carnal; they bear the guilt for the death of the Savior, for through their fathers they have killed Christ. The Jews held Him; the Jews insulted Him; the Jews bound Him; they crowned Him with thorns; they scourged Him; they hanged Him upon a tree.

    +++++++++++++++++++++++ end of quotes although these could be multiplied++++++++++

    The Synagogue of Satan (Yes, Virginia, that is in the new testament) is not a fit place for man or beast and Rabbinical Judaism formed in opposition to the One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church (Outside of which there is neither salvation or sanctification - Pope Pius IX) and it has been an implacable enemy of the one true Church since its inception - after the destruction of Jerusalem as a punishment for Deicide.

    The Jewish Religion is a religion of superstition as can easily be seen by any autodidact worth his salt who takes the time to read Theological texts prior to The Amici Israel movement which grew to fruition before it was wisely disbanded owing to the heroic work of Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val

    Modern attempts to befog the truth have severely harmed the innocent faithful who have been duped into thinking (see Mark Shea and his Dual Covenant Theory) that a Jew can be saved outside the one true Church.

    And the absolute worst hatred that can be directed at any Jew is to refuse to try and convert him (See Pope Benedict XVI in his trilogy) for that leaves him on the highway to Hell but the modern Catholic Church fears the Jews more than it fears the Jews will have hell to pay for being Messias-Deniers.

    The first time a modern Pope went to a Synagogue and preached Jesus and conversion (as did the first Pope and Apostles - see Acts) would be the last time he would be allowed in a Synagogue.

    Any autodidact who has taken the time to learn the truth knows the Talmud clearly teaches the racial supremacism of the Jews and that is why Spielberg had to lie in his propaganda movie about the crimes suffered by the Jews in WW2 when he claimed that to save one life was to save the world whereas the Talmud teaches the world is saved if the life of one of the sons of Israel is saved.

    Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Roman Catholic Tradition

  6. RF

    Charity demands we instruct the ignorant.First you commit the fallacy of either/or. That the Jews are still the Old Israel does not negotiate the Church being the New nor does it imply the Jews who are not visible members of the New Israel are not called objectively to join the New thus why would I deny Luke 19:27? The Pharisees once sat in the chair of Moses and now the Church has their power to bind and loose. They lost it. Why would I deny that? I certainly don’t deny the ordinary teaching of Council of Florence session Eleven (even thought only Session Six was infallible) but I do insist it be interpreted via Benedict XIV cited on this very blog.

    I have looked up all your bible verses and don’t see how they contradict anything I said or unsay the one I quoted from St Paul other then your self made fantasy I deny the Church is the New Israel which BTW is the fallacy of the Straw man on your part attributing to me views I don’t hold. You did this to poor Mark Shea. I can say a lot of things about Shea most of them bad but that he holds “dual covenant theology” is a pure slander. As for the salvation of Jews “outside the Church" you are committing the fallacy of equivocation. Invincibly ignorant Jews who follow extra-ordinary Grace are NOT outside the Church at least when they die. We must remember the words of Pius IX just because they exist isn’t to be used as a pretense not to preach the Gospel too them. Also the Roman Catechism by definition is above the tedious opinions of St. Augustine on his contemporary Jewish opponents just as Pius IX is above St Thomas Aquinas on the Immaculate conception so I don’t see how Augustine’s opinion overthrows the ordinary magestarium that was officially promulgated?

    >And the absolute worst hatred that can be directed at any Jew is to refuse to try and convert him (See Pope Benedict XVI in his trilogy) for that leaves him on the highway to Hell but the modern Catholic Church fears the Jews more than it fears the Jews will have hell to pay for being Messias-Deniers.

    Do tell me how accusing all Jews of being racists with accusations that are congruent with people who wear white sheets fills them with love for Christ instead of suspicion that Christians are out to harm them? I am all ears how such conspiracy mongering wins converts.

    >Any autodidact who has taken the time to learn the truth knows the Talmud clearly teaches the racial supremacism of the Jews.

    So anti-Semites and their self serving distortions are the lens threw which I should read the Talmud? That makes about as much sense as making Jack chick the lens threw which I read Church documents. Or reading Moses Ben Manon for insight into the “true” meaning of the Christian Trinity. Hogwash!

    >Spielberg had to lie in his propaganda movie about the crimes suffered by the Jews in WW2 when he claimed that to save one life was to save the world whereas the Talmud teaches the world is saved if the life of one of the sons of Israel is saved.

    Actually as I recall having studied this years ago the Jerusalem Talmud said “Life” unqualified where as some manuscripts of the Babylonian Talmud say “Life of a Ben yisrael”. Of course the Talmud also says the Righteous among the Nations(Gentiles) will Inherit the Kingdom of God and that a righteous Gentile shall be counted an Israelite while an unrighteous Jew counted a pagan. So at best you can charge the Jews with a religious supremacy but then again all religions including ours are guilty of that and that is not a bad thing if there really is objective truth which by definition is supreme.

    Also Ecumenism by definition applies to separated Churches and Ecclesiastical communities which are Christian. Jews are not counted as Christians even by Vatican II thus you can't have Ecumenism with them only inter religious relations.


  7. Dear Ben Ya'kov. Raider Fan was on edge yesterday owing to what happened to his Bride but that is no excuse for the angry way he reacted to you personally. Raider Fan apologises for his behavior and he is sorry.

    Later today, at his crummy blog, Raider Fan will source the material that is the basis for his captious ideas and he will ask the good Doc to let him post the link here for it is only reasonable that a man who publicly writes ideas so contrary to the weltanschauung of today produces the reasons for his ideas.

    Again, Ben, Raider Fan apologises but he will not have any exchanges with you

  8. RF

    >Raider Fan was on edge yesterday owing to what happened to his Bride but that is no excuse for the angry way he reacted to you personally. Raider Fan apologises for his behavior and he is sorry.

    No need to apologize, peace be with you & I hope God gives you the strength to deal with your troubles.

    >Again, Ben, Raider Fan apologises but he will not have any exchanges with you

    If you do not wish to ever address me or any point I bring up directly I won’t think less of you but I can’t promise not to correct grievous ideas I find, to put it charitably, greatly troubling. But I will try to pull my punches for the sake of peace & I don’t want to kick a man when he is down.

