Friday, April 03, 2015

PC-whipped Catholicism

R. R. Reno, "Duck and Cover Catholicism" (First Things, April 2, 2015):
As I expected, the leaders of the Catholic Church have done everything they can to avoid saying anything in response to the furor over the Indiana RFRA. Their counsel is “dialogue,” an unfortunate weasel word long used by administrators who don't want to take a stand.

... Some months ago, I predicted that Catholicism in America would basically accommodate itself to whatever sexual regime dominates our society. The accommodation won't be explicit. The Church won't endorse homosexuality or gay marriage. Instead, the bishops will step aside, avoid controversy, and just stop talking about things that carry a high price for dissent. This duck-and-cover non-statement fits perfectly into this trajectory.

... What they should have done is patently obvious. We need religious leaders to denounce the hyperbolic propaganda for what it is and express unequivocal support for the Indiana RFRA. Such a statement would reflect a sober assessment of what best serves the common good and promises to protect, however imperfectly, the freedom of Christians (and Jews and Muslims and others) to teach, educate, and serve in accord with traditional moral teaching about sex, family, and marriage.
[Hat tip to JM]

1 comment:

  1. Such a statement would reflect a sober assessment of what best serves the common good and promises to protect, however imperfectly, the freedom of Christians (and Jews and Muslims and others) to teach, educate, and serve in accord with traditional moral teaching about sex, family, and marriage.

    The pernicious ideology of religious liberty surrenders to error and evil as part of the common good for who is going to decide what is and isn't traditional if the Catholic Church doesn't?

    Can an orthodox Jew publicly cite Maimonides as an authority that sex with a three year old gentile girl is permissible?

    Can a follower of Ayatollah Khomeni publicly cite his advice that it is ok for a Mahometan to have sex with a goat just so long as he doesn't sell it for slaughter + consumption in his own village?

    The surrender to religious liberty did mean that "you are on your own" and those who haven't yet woken-up to that reality are a bit late to the game of indifferentism.

    Who do the Bishops fear more, the ADL, CAIR, or the Catholic Traditionalists?

    The ADL and CAIR for those outfits can ruin them whereas the Traditionalists can be given the dynamic silence treatment.
