Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pope Francis after two years: a glimpse back

It's been two years since Pope Francis was elected to the Chair of Peter, and it's interesting looking back to see what was being said in the media about him just days into his pontificate. This, from Whispers in the Loggia (March 18, 2013) is, I suppose, as good an example as any; and if it shows us anything -- from cufflinks to substance -- perhaps it shows us that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Maybe another thing to consider is the question: who were the first to understand the intentions of Pope Francis most completely and accurately, the conservatives or the liberals?

[Hat tip to L.S.]


  1. When Baby Boomers read Chaos certain of them think, Maxwell Smart and Control the enemy of Chaos

    Get Smart, Catholics


  2. The liberals....?


    Pope Francis has history, but not time, on his side in reform push by David Gibson, Religion News Service | Mar. 12, 2015


    EXCLUSIVE: Pope wants to scrap centuries-old ban on priests marrying and told divorced woman 'living in sin' that she COULD receive Holy Communion, claims confidante
    By Matt Roper In Buenos Aires, Argentina Published: 10:04 GMT, 12 March 2015 | Updated: 10:19 GMT, 12 March 2015


    REMNANT TV: The Remnant Forum with Matt & Ferrara -- Validating the Great Apostasy: The Francis EffectPosted on: Sunday, March 15, 2015

